class Term::Spinner::Multi
- Term::Spinner::Multi
- Reference
- Object
Used for managing multiple terminal spinners
Included Modules
- Enumerable(Term::Spinner)
Defined in:
spinner/multi.crConstant Summary
{top: "┌ ", middle: "├── ", bottom: "└── "}
.new(message = nil, style : NamedTuple(top: String, middle: String, bottom: String) = DEFAULT_INSET, **options)
Initialize a multispinner
Instance Method Summary
Auto spin the top level spinner & all child spinners that have scheduled jobs
#create_spinner(pattern_or_spinner, **options)
Create a spinner instance
Check if all spinners are done
- #each(*args, **options)
- #each(*args, **options, &)
- #empty?(*args, **options)
- #empty?(*args, **options, &)
Stop all spinners with error status
Check if any spinner errored
- #length(*args, **options)
- #length(*args, **options, &)
Find the number of characters to move into the line before printing the spinner
Increase a row count
#on(key, &callback : Spinner -> )
Listen on event
Pause all spinners
#register(pattern_or_spinner, observable = true, job = nil, **options)
Register a new spinner
#register(pattern_or_spinner, observable = true, **options, &job : Spinner -> )
Resume all spinners
#rows : Int32
The current count of all rendered rows
Perform a single spin animation
Stop all spinners
Stop all spinners with success status
Check if all spinners succeeded
- #synchronize(&)
Get the top level spinner if it exists
Constructor Detail
Initialize a multispinner
spinner =
Instance Method Detail
Find the number of characters to move into the line before printing the spinner
Register a new spinner