class Shards::MolinilloSolver

Included Modules

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Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Spec, override : Override | Nil = nil, *, prereleases : Bool = false) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.crystal_version_req(specification : Shards::Spec) #

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Instance Method Detail

def after_resolution #
Description copied from module Molinillo::UI

Called after resolution ends (either successfully or with an error). By default, prints a newline.

@return [void]

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def apply_overrides(deps : Array(Dependency)) #

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def before_resolution #
Description copied from module Molinillo::UI

Called before resolution begins.

@return [void]

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def dependencies_for(specification : S) : Array(R) #
Description copied from module Molinillo::SpecificationProvider(Shards::Dependency, Shards::Spec)

Returns the dependencies of specification. @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend only on the specification parameter.

@param [Object] specification @return [Array] the dependencies that are required by the given specification.

def indicate_progress #
Description copied from module Molinillo::UI

Called roughly every {#progress_rate}, this method should convey progress to the user.

@return [void]

def locks=(locks : Array(Package) | Nil) #

def name_for(spec : Shards::Spec) #

def name_for(dependency : Shards::Dependency) #
Description copied from module Molinillo::SpecificationProvider(Shards::Dependency, Shards::Spec)

Returns the name for the given dependency. @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend only on the dependency parameter.

@param [Object] dependency @return [String] the name for the given dependency.

def name_for_explicit_dependency_source #
Description copied from module Molinillo::SpecificationProvider(Shards::Dependency, Shards::Spec)

@return [String] the name of the source of explicit dependencies, i.e. those passed to {Resolver#resolve} directly.

def name_for_locking_dependency_source #
Description copied from module Molinillo::SpecificationProvider(Shards::Dependency, Shards::Spec)

@return [String] the name of the source of 'locked' dependencies, i.e. those passed to {Resolver#resolve} directly as the base

def on_override(dependency : Dependency | Shards::Spec) : Dependency | Nil #

def prepare(development : Bool | Nil = true) #

def requirement_satisfied_by?(dependency, activated, spec) #

def search_for(dependency : R) : Array(S) #
Description copied from module Molinillo::SpecificationProvider(Shards::Dependency, Shards::Spec)

Search for the specifications that match the given dependency. The specifications in the returned array will be considered in reverse order, so the latest version ought to be last. @note This method should be 'pure', i.e. the return value should depend only on the dependency parameter.

@param [Object] dependency @return [Array] the specifications that satisfy the given dependency.

def solve : Array(Package) #