module YAML


The YAML module provides serialization and deserialization of YAML version 1.1 to/from native Crystal data structures, with the additional independent types specified in

NOTE To use YAML, you must explicitly import it with require "yaml"

Parsing with #parse and #parse_all

YAML.parse will return an Any, which is a convenient wrapper around all possible YAML core types, making it easy to traverse a complex YAML structure but requires some casts from time to time, mostly via some method invocations.

require "yaml"

data = YAML.parse <<-YAML
               - qux
               - fox
data["foo"]["bar"]["baz"][1].as_s # => "fox"

YAML.parse can read from an IO directly (such as a file) which saves allocating a string:

require "yaml"

yaml ="path/to/file.yml") do |file|

Parsing with from_yaml

A type T can be deserialized from YAML by invoking T.from_yaml(string_or_io). For this to work, T must implement new(ctx : YAML::PullParser, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) and decode a value from the given node, using ctx to store and retrieve anchored values (see YAML::PullParser for an explanation of this).

Crystal primitive types, Time, Bytes and Union implement this method. YAML::Serializable can be used to implement this method for user types.

Dumping with YAML.dump or #to_yaml

YAML.dump generates the YAML representation for an object. An IO can be passed and it will be written there, otherwise it will be returned as a string. Similarly, #to_yaml (with or without an IO) on any object does the same.

For this to work, the type given to YAML.dump must implement to_yaml(builder : YAML::Nodes::Builder).

Crystal primitive types, Time and Bytes implement this method. YAML::Serializable can be used to implement this method for user types.

yaml = YAML.dump({hello: "world"})                               # => "---\nhello: world\n""foo.yml", "w") { |f| YAML.dump({hello: "world"}, f) } # writes it to the file
# or:
yaml = {hello: "world"}.to_yaml                               # => "---\nhello: world\n""foo.yml", "w") { |f| {hello: "world"}.to_yaml(f) } # writes it to the file

Defined in:
