struct URI::Params


An ordered multi-value mapped collection representing generic URI parameters.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Enumerable({String, String})

accumulate(initial : U) : Array(U) forall U
accumulate : Array({String, String})
accumulate(initial : U, &block : U, {String, String} -> U) : Array(U) forall U
accumulate(&block : {String, String}, {String, String} -> {String, String}) : Array({String, String})
, all?(& : {String, String} -> ) : Bool
all?(pattern) : Bool
all? : Bool
, any?(& : {String, String} -> ) : Bool
any?(pattern) : Bool
any? : Bool
, chunks(&block : {String, String} -> U) forall U chunks, compact_map(& : {String, String} -> _) compact_map, count(& : {String, String} -> ) : Int32
count(item) : Int32
, cycle(n, & : {String, String} -> ) : Nil
cycle(& : {String, String} -> ) : Nil
, each(& : {String, String} -> ) each, each_cons(count : Int, reuse = false, &) each_cons, each_cons_pair(& : {String, String}, {String, String} -> ) : Nil each_cons_pair, each_slice(count : Int, reuse = false, &) each_slice, each_step(n : Int, *, offset : Int = 0, & : {String, String} -> ) : Nil each_step, each_with_index(offset = 0, &) each_with_index, each_with_object(obj : U, & : {String, String}, U -> ) : U forall U each_with_object, empty? : Bool empty?, find(if_none = nil, & : {String, String} -> ) find, find!(& : {String, String} -> ) : {String, String} find!, first(&)
first(count : Int) : Array({String, String})
first : {String, String}
, first? : {String, String} | Nil first?, flat_map(& : {String, String} -> _) flat_map, group_by(& : {String, String} -> U) forall U group_by, in_groups_of(size : Int, filled_up_with : U = nil) forall U
in_groups_of(size : Int, filled_up_with : U = nil, reuse = false, &) forall U
, in_slices_of(size : Int) : Array(Array({String, String})) in_slices_of, includes?(obj) : Bool includes?, index(& : {String, String} -> ) : Int32 | Nil
index(obj) : Int32 | Nil
, index!(& : {String, String} -> ) : Int32
index!(obj) : Int32
, index_by(& : {String, String} -> U) : Hash(U, {String, String}) forall U index_by, join(io : IO, separator = "") : Nil
join(separator, io : IO) : Nil
join(separator = "") : String
join(io : IO, separator = "", & : {String, String}, IO -> )
join(separator, io : IO, &)
join(separator = "", & : {String, String} -> )
, map(& : {String, String} -> U) : Array(U) forall U map, map_with_index(offset = 0, & : {String, String}, Int32 -> U) : Array(U) forall U map_with_index, max(count : Int) : Array({String, String})
max : {String, String}
, max? : {String, String} | Nil max?, max_by(& : {String, String} -> U) : {String, String} forall U max_by, max_by?(& : {String, String} -> U) : {String, String} | Nil forall U max_by?, max_of(& : {String, String} -> U) : U forall U max_of, max_of?(& : {String, String} -> U) : U | Nil forall U max_of?, min(count : Int) : Array({String, String})
min : {String, String}
, min? : {String, String} | Nil min?, min_by(& : {String, String} -> U) : {String, String} forall U min_by, min_by?(& : {String, String} -> U) : {String, String} | Nil forall U min_by?, min_of(& : {String, String} -> U) : U forall U min_of, min_of?(& : {String, String} -> U) : U | Nil forall U min_of?, minmax : Tuple({String, String}, {String, String}) minmax, minmax? : Tuple({String, String} | Nil, {String, String} | Nil) minmax?, minmax_by(& : {String, String} -> U) : Tuple({String, String}, {String, String}) forall U minmax_by, minmax_by?(& : {String, String} -> U) : Tuple({String, String}, {String, String}) | Tuple(Nil, Nil) forall U minmax_by?, minmax_of(& : {String, String} -> U) : Tuple(U, U) forall U minmax_of, minmax_of?(& : {String, String} -> U) : Tuple(U, U) | Tuple(Nil, Nil) forall U minmax_of?, none?(& : {String, String} -> ) : Bool
none?(pattern) : Bool
none? : Bool
, one?(& : {String, String} -> ) : Bool
one?(pattern) : Bool
one? : Bool
, partition(& : {String, String} -> ) : Tuple(Array({String, String}), Array({String, String}))
partition(type : U.class) forall U
, present? : Bool present?, product(initial : Number)
product(initial : Number, & : {String, String} -> )
product(& : {String, String} -> _)
, reduce(memo, &)
, reduce?(&) reduce?, reject(& : {String, String} -> )
reject(type : U.class) forall U
reject(pattern) : Array({String, String})
, sample(n : Int, random : Random = Random::DEFAULT) : Array({String, String})
sample(random : Random = Random::DEFAULT) : {String, String}
, select(& : {String, String} -> )
select(type : U.class) : Array(U) forall U
select(pattern) : Array({String, String})
, size : Int32 size, skip(count : Int) skip, skip_while(& : {String, String} -> ) : Array({String, String}) skip_while, sum(initial)
sum(initial, & : {String, String} -> )
sum(& : {String, String} -> )
, take_while(& : {String, String} -> ) : Array({String, String}) take_while, tally(hash)
tally : Hash({String, String}, Int32)
, tally_by(hash, &)
tally_by(&block : {String, String} -> U) : Hash(U, Int32) forall U
, to_a : Array({String, String})
to_a(& : {String, String} -> U) : Array(U) forall U
, to_h
to_h(& : {String, String} -> Tuple(K, V)) forall K, V
, to_set : Set({String, String})
to_set(&block : {String, String} -> U) : Set(U) forall U
, zip(*others : Indexable | Iterable | Iterator, &)
zip(*others : Indexable | Iterable | Iterator)
, zip?(*others : Indexable | Iterable | Iterator, &)
zip?(*others : Indexable | Iterable | Iterator)

Class methods inherited from module Enumerable({String, String})

element_type(x) element_type

Instance methods inherited from struct Struct

==(other) : Bool ==, hash(hasher) hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil!(message)
, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil
, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String
, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Macros inherited from class Object

class_getter(*names, &block) class_getter, class_getter!(*names) class_getter!, class_getter?(*names, &block) class_getter?, class_property(*names, &block) class_property, class_property!(*names) class_property!, class_property?(*names, &block) class_property?, class_setter(*names) class_setter, def_clone def_clone, def_equals(*fields) def_equals, def_equals_and_hash(*fields) def_equals_and_hash, def_hash(*fields) def_hash, delegate(*methods, to object) delegate, forward_missing_to(delegate) forward_missing_to, getter(*names, &block) getter, getter!(*names) getter!, getter?(*names, &block) getter?, property(*names, &block) property, property!(*names) property!, property?(*names, &block) property?, setter(*names) setter

Constructor Detail

def : Hash(String, Array(String))) #

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def #

Returns an empty URI::Params.

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def self.parse(query : String) : self #

Parses an URI query string into a URI::Params

require "uri/params"

# => #<URI::Params @raw_params = {"foo" => ["bar", "baz"], "qux" => ["zoo"]}>

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Class Method Detail

def : IO, *, space_to_plus : Bool = true, & : Builder -> ) : Nil #

Builds an url-encoded URI form/query.

The yielded object has an #add method that accepts two arguments, a key (String) and a value (String or Nil). Keys and values are escaped using URI.encode_www_form.

require "uri/params"

params = do |form|
  form.add "color", "black"
  form.add "name", "crystal"
  form.add "year", "2012 - today"
params # => "color=black&name=crystal&year=2012+-+today"

By default spaces are outputted as +. If space_to_plus is false then they are outputted as %20:

require "uri/params"

params = false) do |form|
  form.add "year", "2012 - today"
params # => "year=2012%20-%20today"

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def*, space_to_plus : Bool = true, &block : Builder -> ) : String #

Builds an url-encoded URI form/query.

The yielded object has an #add method that accepts two arguments, a key (String) and a value (String or Nil). Keys and values are escaped using URI.encode_www_form.

require "uri/params"

params = do |form|
  form.add "color", "black"
  form.add "name", "crystal"
  form.add "year", "2012 - today"
params # => "color=black&name=crystal&year=2012+-+today"

By default spaces are outputted as +. If space_to_plus is false then they are outputted as %20:

require "uri/params"

params = false) do |form|
  form.add "year", "2012 - today"
params # => "year=2012%20-%20today"

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def self.encode(io : IO, hash : Hash(String, String | Array(String))) : Nil #

Appends the given key value pairs as a url-encoded URI form/query to the given io.

require "uri/params"

io =
URI::Params.encode(io, {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => ["quux", "quuz"]})
io.to_s # => "foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=quuz"

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def self.encode(io : IO, named_tuple : NamedTuple) : Nil #

Appends the given key value pairs as a url-encoded URI form/query to the given io.

require "uri/params"

io =
URI::Params.encode(io, {foo: "bar", baz: ["quux", "quuz"]})
io.to_s # => "foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=quuz"

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def self.encode(hash : Hash(String, String | Array(String))) : String #

Returns the given key value pairs as a url-encoded URI form/query.

require "uri/params"

URI::Params.encode({"foo" => "bar", "baz" => ["quux", "quuz"]}) # => "foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=quuz"

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def self.encode(named_tuple : NamedTuple) : String #

Returns the given key value pairs as a url-encoded URI form/query.

require "uri/params"

URI::Params.encode({foo: "bar", baz: ["quux", "quuz"]}) # => "foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=quuz"

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def self.parse(query : String, &) #

Parses an URI query and yields each key-value pair.

require "uri/params"

query = "foo=bar&foo=baz&qux=zoo"
URI::Params.parse(query) do |key, value|
  # ...

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #

def [](name) : String #

Returns first value for specified param name.

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params.parse("[email protected]")
params["email"]              # => "[email protected]"
params["non_existent_param"] # KeyError

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def []=(name, value : String | Array(String)) #

Sets the name key to value.

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params{"a" => ["b", "c"]}
params["a"] = "d"
params["a"]           # => "d"
params.fetch_all("a") # => ["d"]

params["a"] = ["e", "f"]
params["a"]           # => "e"
params.fetch_all("a") # => ["e", "f"]

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def []?(name) : String | Nil #

Returns first value or nil for specified param name.

params["email"]?              # => "[email protected]"
params["non_existent_param"]? # nil

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def add(name, value) #

Appends new value for specified param name. Creates param when there was no such param.

params.add("item", "keychain")
params.fetch_all("item") # => ["pencil", "book", "workbook", "keychain"]

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def clone : self #

Returns a copy of this URI::Params instance.

require "uri/params"

original = URI::Params{"name" => "Jamie"}
updated = original.clone
updated["name"] = "Ary"

original["name"] # => "Jamie"

Identical to #dup.

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def delete(name) : String #

Deletes first value for provided param name. If there are no values left, deletes param itself. Returns deleted value.

params.delete("item")    # => "keychain"
params.fetch_all("item") # => ["keynote"]

params.delete("item") # => "keynote"
params["item"]        # KeyError

params.delete("non_existent_param") # KeyError

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def delete_all(name) : Array(String) | Nil #

Deletes all values for provided param name. Returns array of deleted values.

params.set_all("comments", ["hello, world!", ":+1:"])
params.delete_all("comments") # => ["hello, world!", ":+1:"]
params.has_key?("comments")   # => false

[View source]
def dup : self #

Returns a copy of this URI::Params instance.

require "uri/params"

original = URI::Params{"name" => "Jamie"}
updated = original.dup
updated["name"] = "Ary"

original["name"] # => "Jamie"

Identical to #clone.

[View source]
def each(&) #

Allows to iterate over all name-value pairs.

params.each do |name, value|
  puts "#{name} => #{value}"

# Outputs:
# email => [email protected]
# item => keychain
# item => keynote

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def empty?(*args, **options) #

Returns true if params is empty.                              # => true
URI::Params.parse("foo=bar&foo=baz&qux=zoo").empty? # => false

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def empty?(*args, **options, &) #

Returns true if params is empty.                              # => true
URI::Params.parse("foo=bar&foo=baz&qux=zoo").empty? # => false

[View source]
def fetch(name, default) #

Returns first value for specified param name. Falls back to provided default value when there is no such param.

params["email"] = "[email protected]"
params.fetch("email", "[email protected]")           # => "[email protected]"
params.fetch("non_existent_param", "default value") # => "default value"

[View source]
def fetch(name, &) #

Returns first value for specified param name. Falls back to return value of provided block when there is no such param.

params.fetch("email") { raise "Email is missing" }              # raises "Email is missing"
params.fetch("non_existent_param") { "default computed value" } # => "default computed value"

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def fetch_all(name) : Array(String) #

Returns all values for specified param name.

params.set_all("item", ["pencil", "book", "workbook"])
params.fetch_all("item") # => ["pencil", "book", "workbook"]

[View source]
def has_key?(*args, **options) #

Returns true if param with provided name exists.

params.has_key?("email")   # => true
params.has_key?("garbage") # => false

[View source]
def has_key?(*args, **options, &) #

Returns true if param with provided name exists.

params.has_key?("email")   # => true
params.has_key?("garbage") # => false

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def hash(hasher) #
Description copied from struct Struct

See Object#hash(hasher)

def inspect(io : IO) #
Description copied from struct Struct

Appends this struct's name and instance variables names and values to the given IO.

struct Point
  def initialize(@x : Int32, @y : Int32)

p1 = 1, 2
p1.to_s    # "Point(@x=1, @y=2)"
p1.inspect # "Point(@x=1, @y=2)"

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def merge(params : URI::Params, *, replace : Bool = true) : URI::Params #

Merges params and self into a new instance. If replace is false values with the same key are concatenated. Otherwise the value in params overrides the one in self.

params = URI::Params.parse("foo=bar&foo=baz&qux=zoo")
other_params = URI::Params.parse("foo=buzz&foo=extra")
params.merge(other_params).to_s                 # => "foo=buzz&foo=extra&qux=zoo"
params.merge(other_params, replace: false).to_s # => "foo=bar&foo=baz&foo=buzz&foo=extra&qux=zoo"

See #merge! for a mutating alternative

[View source]
def merge!(params : URI::Params, *, replace : Bool = true) : URI::Params #

Merges params into self.

params = URI::Params.parse("foo=bar&foo=baz&qux=zoo")
other_params = URI::Params.parse("foo=buzz&foo=extra")
params.merge!(other_params).to_s # => "foo=buzz&foo=extra&qux=zoo"
params.fetch_all("foo")          # => ["buzz", "extra"]

See #merge for a non-mutating alternative

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def set_all(name, values) #

Sets all values for specified param name at once.

params.set_all("item", ["keychain", "keynote"])
params.fetch_all("item") # => ["keychain", "keynote"]

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def to_s(io : IO, *, space_to_plus : Bool = true) : Nil #

Serializes to string representation as http url-encoded form.

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params.parse("item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&[email protected]")
params.to_s # => "item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&"

By default spaces are outputted as +. If space_to_plus is false then they are outputted as %20:

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params.parse("item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&[email protected]")
params.to_s(space_to_plus: false) # => "item=keychain&greeting=hello%20world&"

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def to_s(*, space_to_plus : Bool = true) #

Serializes to string representation as http url-encoded form.

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params.parse("item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&[email protected]")
params.to_s # => "item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&"

By default spaces are outputted as +. If space_to_plus is false then they are outputted as %20:

require "uri/params"

params = URI::Params.parse("item=keychain&greeting=hello+world&[email protected]")
params.to_s(space_to_plus: false) # => "item=keychain&greeting=hello%20world&"

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