module GC

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.add_finalizer(object : Reference) : Nil #

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def self.add_finalizer(object) #

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def self.add_root(object : Reference) #

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def self.collect #

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def self.disable #

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def self.enable #

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def : Pointer(Void)) : Nil #

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def self.init #

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def self.is_heap_ptr(pointer : Pointer(Void)) : Bool #

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def self.malloc(size : Int) : Pointer(Void) #

Allocates and clears size bytes of memory.

The resulting object may contain pointers and they will be tracked by the GC.

The memory will be automatically deallocated when unreferenced.

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def self.malloc_atomic(size : Int) : Pointer(Void) #

Allocates size bytes of pointer-free memory.

The client promises that the resulting object will never contain any pointers.

The memory is not cleared. It will be automatically deallocated when unreferenced.

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def self.prof_stats #

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def self.realloc(pointer : Pointer(T), size : Int) : Pointer(T) forall T #

Changes the allocated memory size of pointer to size. If this can't be done in place, it allocates size bytes of memory and copies the content of pointer to the new location.

If pointer was allocated with .malloc_atomic, the same constraints apply.

The return value is a pointer that may be identical to pointer or different.

WARNING Memory allocated using Pointer.malloc must be reallocated using Pointer#realloc instead.

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def self.register_disappearing_link(pointer : Pointer(Pointer(Void))) #

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def self.set_stackbottom(stack_bottom : Pointer(Void)) #

support for legacy gc releases

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def self.stats : GC::Stats #

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