class SQLite3::ResultSet

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Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def column_count : Int32 #
Description copied from class DB::ResultSet

Returns the number of columns in the result

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def column_name(index) : String #

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def move_next : Bool #

Advances to the next row. Returns true if there's a next row, false otherwise. Must be called at least once to advance to the first row.

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def next_column_index : Int32 #
Description copied from class DB::ResultSet

Returns the column index that corresponds to the next #read.

If the last column of the current row has been read, it must return #column_count.

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def read(t : Int32.class) : Int32 #

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def read(type : (Int32 | ::Nil).class) : Int32 | Nil #

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def read(t : Float32.class) : Float32 #

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def read(type : (Float32 | ::Nil).class) : Float32 | Nil #

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def read(t : Time.class) : Time #

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def read(t : (Time | ::Nil).class) : Time | Nil #

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def read(t : Bool.class) : Bool #

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def read(t : (Bool | ::Nil).class) : Bool | Nil #

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def read #
Description copied from class DB::ResultSet

Reads the next column value

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def to_unsafe #

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