class Clear::Model::CollectionBase(T)


CollectionBase(T) is the base class for collection of model. Collection of model are a SQL SELECT query mapping & building system. They are Enumerable and are `Clear::SQL::SelectBuilder` behavior; therefore, they can be used array-like and are working with low-level SQL Building.

The CollectionBase(T) is extended by each model. For example, generating the model MyModel will generate the class MyModel::Collection which inherits from CollectionBase(MyModel)

Collection are instantiated using Model.query method.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::SelectBuilder

before_query(&block : -> Nil) before_query, columns : Array(SQL::Column) columns, default_wildcard_table default_wildcard_table, dup : self dup, havings : Array(Clear::Expression::Node) havings, is_distinct? is_distinct?, joins : Array(SQL::Join) joins, limit : Int64 | Nil limit, lock : String | Nil lock, offset : Int64 | Nil offset, order_bys : Array(Clear::SQL::Query::OrderBy::Record) order_bys, to_delete to_delete, to_sql : String to_sql, to_update to_update, total_entries : Int64 | Nil total_entries, total_entries=(total_entries : Int64 | Nil) total_entries=, wheres : Array(Clear::Expression::Node) wheres

Constructor methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::SelectBuilder

new(distinct_value = nil, cte = {} of String => Clear::SQL::SelectBuilder | String, columns = [] of SQL::Column, froms = [] of SQL::From, joins = [] of SQL::Join, wheres = [] of Clear::Expression::Node, havings = [] of Clear::Expression::Node, windows = [] of ::Tuple(String, String), group_bys = [] of Symbolic, order_bys = [] of Clear::SQL::Query::OrderBy::Record, limit = nil, offset = nil, lock = nil, before_query_triggers = [] of (-> Nil)) new

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::WithPagination

current_page current_page, first_page? first_page?, last_page? last_page?, next_page next_page, out_of_bounds? out_of_bounds?, paginate(page : Int32 = DEFAULT_PAGE, per_page : Int32 = DEFAULT_LIMIT) paginate, per_page per_page, previous_page previous_page, total_pages total_pages

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Change

change! : self change!

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Connection

connection_name : String connection_name, use_connection(connection_name : String) use_connection

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Pluck

pluck(fields : Tuple(*T)) forall T
pluck(**fields : **T) forall T
, pluck_col(field : Clear::SQL::Symbolic, type : T.class) forall T
pluck_col(field : Clear::SQL::Symbolic)

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Fetch

fetch(fetch_all = false, & : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) -> Nil) fetch, fetch_first fetch_first, fetch_first! fetch_first!, fetch_with_cursor(count = 1000, & : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) -> Nil) fetch_with_cursor, first first, first! first!, scalar(type : T.class) forall T scalar, to_a : Array(Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any)) to_a

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Execute

execute(connection_name : String | Nil = nil) execute

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Lock

with_lock(str : String = "FOR UPDATE") with_lock

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Window

clear_windows clear_windows, print_windows print_windows, window(name, value)
window(windows : NamedTuple)
, windows : Array(WindowDeclaration) windows

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::CTE

cte : Hash(String, CTEAuthorized) cte, with_cte(name, request : CTEAuthorized)
with_cte(tuple : NamedTuple)

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Aggregate

agg(field, x : X.class) forall X agg, avg(field, x : X.class) forall X avg, count(type : X.class = Int64) forall X count, max(field, x : X.class) forall X max, min(field, x : X.class) forall X min, sum(field) : Float64 sum

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::OffsetLimit

clear_limit clear_limit, clear_offset clear_offset, limit(x : Int | Nil) limit, offset(x : Int | Nil) offset

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::GroupBy

clear_group_bys clear_group_bys, group_by(column : Symbolic) group_by, group_bys : Array(Symbolic) group_bys

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::OrderBy

clear_order_bys clear_order_bys, order_by(tuple : NamedTuple)
order_by(expression : Symbol, direction : Symbol = :asc, nulls : Symbol | Nil = nil)
order_by(expression : String, direction : Symbol = :asc, nulls : Symbol | Nil = nil)
, reverse_order_by reverse_order_by

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Having

clear_havings clear_havings, having(node : Clear::Expression::Node)
having(conditions : NamedTuple | Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any))
having(template : String, *args)
having(template : String, **tuple)
, or_having(node : Clear::Expression::Node)
or_having(template : String, *args)
or_having(template : String, **named_tuple)

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Where

clear_wheres clear_wheres, or_where(node : Clear::Expression::Node)
or_where(template : String, *args)
or_where(template : String, **tuple)
, where(node : Clear::Expression::Node)
where(conditions : NamedTuple | Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any))
where(template : String)
where(template : String, *args)
where(template : String, **tuple)

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Join

cross_join(name : Selectable, lateral = false) cross_join, full_outer_join(name : Selectable, lateral = false, &)
full_outer_join(name : Selectable, condition : String = "true", lateral = false)
, inner_join(name : Selectable, lateral = false, &)
inner_join(name : Selectable, condition : String = "true", lateral = false)
, join(name : Selectable, type = :inner, lateral = false, &)
join(name : Selectable, type = :inner, condition : String = "true", lateral = false)
join(name : Selectable, type = :inner, lateral = false)
, left_join(name : Selectable, lateral = false, &)
left_join(name : Selectable, condition : String = "true", lateral = false)
, right_join(name : Selectable, lateral = false, &)
right_join(name : Selectable, condition : String = "true", lateral = false)

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::From

clear_from clear_from, from(*args)
, froms : Array(SQL::From) froms

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Select

clear_distinct clear_distinct, clear_select clear_select, default_wildcard_table=(table : String | Nil = nil) default_wildcard_table=, distinct(on : String | Nil = "") distinct, distinct_value : String | Nil distinct_value, select(c : Column)

Instance Method Detail

def <<(item : T) #

Add an item to the current collection.

If the current collection is not originated from a has_many or has_many through: relation, calling << over the collection will raise a Clear::SQL::OperationNotPermittedError

Returns self and therefore can be chained

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def [](range : Range(Number, Number), fetch_columns = false) : Array(T) #

Get a range of models

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def [](off, fetch_columns = false) : T #

Basically a fancy way to write OFFSET x LIMIT 1

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def []?(off, fetch_columns = false) : T | Nil #

Basically a fancy way to write OFFSET x LIMIT 1

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def add(item : T) #

Alias for Collection#<<

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def any? #

Check whether the query return any row.

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def build(x : NamedTuple, &block : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new collection; if the collection comes from a has_many relation (e.g., the foreign column which store the primary key of my_model will be setup by default, preventing you to forget it. You can pass extra parameters using a named tuple:{a_column: "value"})

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def build(**tuple, & : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new collection; if the collection comes from a has_many relation (e.g., the foreign column which store the primary key of my_model will be setup by default, preventing you to forget it. You can pass extra parameters using a named tuple:{a_column: "value"})

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def build(x : NamedTuple) : T #

Build a new collection; if the collection comes from a has_many relation (e.g., the foreign column which store the primary key of my_model will be setup by default, preventing you to forget it. You can pass extra parameters using a named tuple:{a_column: "value"})

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def build(**tuple) : T #

Build a new collection; if the collection comes from a has_many relation (e.g., the foreign column which store the primary key of my_model will be setup by default, preventing you to forget it. You can pass extra parameters using a named tuple:{a_column: "value"})

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def count(type : X.class = Int64) forall X #

Use SQL COUNT over your query, and return this number as a Int64

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def create(x : NamedTuple, &block : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def create(**tuple, & : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def create(x : NamedTuple) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def create(**tuple) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def create!(x : NamedTuple, &block : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object. But instead of returning self if validation failed, raise Clear::Model::InvalidError exception

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def create!(**tuple, & : T -> Nil) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object. But instead of returning self if validation failed, raise Clear::Model::InvalidError exception

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def create!(x : NamedTuple) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object. But instead of returning self if validation failed, raise Clear::Model::InvalidError exception

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def create!(**tuple) : T #

Build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object. But instead of returning self if validation failed, raise Clear::Model::InvalidError exception

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def delete_all : self #

Delete all the rows which would have been returned by this collection. Is equivalent to collection.to_delete.execute

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def dup #
Description copied from module Clear::SQL::SelectBuilder

Duplicate the query

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def each(fetch_columns = false, & : T -> ) : Nil #

Build the SQL, send the query then iterate through each models gathered by the request.

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def each_with_cursor(batch = 1000, fetch_columns = false, &block : T -> ) #

Build the SQL, send the query then iterate through each models gathered by the request. Use a postgres cursor to avoid memory bloating. Useful to fetch millions of rows at once.

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def empty? #

Inverse of #any?, return true if the request return no rows.

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def find(fetch_columns = false, &) : T | Nil #

A convenient way to write where { condition }.first(fetch_columns)

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def find(tuple : NamedTuple, fetch_columns = false) : T | Nil #

A convenient way to write where({any_column: "any_value"}).first(fetch_columns)

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def find(**tuple) : T | Nil #

A convenient way to write where({any_column: "any_value"}).first

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def find!(fetch_columns = false, &) : T #

A convenient way to write where { condition }.first!(fetch_columns)

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def find!(tuple : NamedTuple, fetch_columns = false) : T #

A convenient way to write where({any_column: "any_value"}).first!(fetch_columns)

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def find!(**tuple) : T #

A convenient way to write where({any_column: "any_value"}).first!

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def find_or_build(x : NamedTuple, &block : T -> Nil) : T #

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def find_or_build(**tuple, & : T -> Nil) : T #

Try to fetch a row. If not found, build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple.

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def find_or_build(x : NamedTuple) : T #

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def find_or_build(**tuple) : T #

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def find_or_create(x : NamedTuple, &block : T -> Nil) : T #

Try to fetch a row. If not found, build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def find_or_create(**tuple, & : T -> Nil) : T #

Try to fetch a row. If not found, build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def find_or_create(x : NamedTuple) : T #

Try to fetch a row. If not found, build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def find_or_create(**tuple) : T #

Try to fetch a row. If not found, build a new object and setup the fields like setup in the condition tuple. Just after building, save the object.

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def first(fetch_columns = false) : T | Nil #

Get the first row from the collection query. if not found, return nil

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def first!(fetch_columns = false) : T #

Get the first row from the collection query. if not found, throw an error

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def item_class #

Return the model class for this collection

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def last(fetch_columns = false) : T | Nil #

Get the last row from the collection query. if not found, return nil

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def last!(fetch_columns = false) : T #

Get the last row from the collection query. if not found, throw an error

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def map(fetch_columns = false, &block : T -> X) : Array(X) forall X #

Build the SQL, send the query then build and array by applying the block transformation over it.

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def tags #

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def to_a(fetch_columns = false) : Array(T) #

Create an array from the query.

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def unlink(item : T) #

Unlink the model currently referenced through a relation has_many through

If the current colleciton doesn't come from a has_many through relation, this method will throw Clear::SQL::OperationNotPermittedError

Returns true if unlinking is successful (e.g. one or more rows have been updated), or false otherwise

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