module Num::NN

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def compute_fans(*shape : Int) #

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def conv2d(input : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), weight : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), bias : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int), stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) #

Computes a 2D convolution over input images. Intended to be used in 2d convolution forward pass. This applies a 2D cross-correlation, not to be confused with the mathematical convolution.


  • input : Tensor - 4D Tensor batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in]
  • weight : Tensor - 4D Tensor convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW]
  • bias : Tensor - 3D Tensor bias of the size [C_out,1,1]
  • padding : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the padding
  • stride : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the stride

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def conv2d_backward(input : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), weight : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), bias : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), grad_output : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int), stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) #

Computes gradients of a 2D convolution. Intended to be used after #conv2d to calculate gradients in backward pass.


  • input : Tensor - 4D Tensor batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in]
  • weight : Tensor - 4D Tensor convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW]
  • bias : Tensor - 3D Tensor bias of the size [C_out,1,1]
  • grad_output : Tensor - 4D Tensor gradient of size [N, C_out, H_out, W_out]
  • padding : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the padding
  • stride : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the stride

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def dropout(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), mask : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Computes a forward dropout activation


  • input : Tensor - Tensor to activate
  • mask : Tensor - Mask to dropout
  • probability : Float - Probability of dropout

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def dropout(input : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), mask : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Computes a forward dropout activation


  • input : Tensor - Tensor to activate
  • mask : Tensor - Mask to dropout
  • probability : Float - Probability of dropout

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def dropout_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), mask : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Computes a backwards dropout derivative


  • gradient : Tensor - Tensor used to compute backwards pass
  • mask : Tensor - Mask to apply to the gradient
  • probability : Float - Probability of dropout

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def elu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), alpha = 0.01) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Exponential linear unit activation


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def elu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), alpha = 0.01) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Exponential linear unit activation


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def elu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

ELU derivative


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def im2colgemm_conv2d(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), bias : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int) = {0, 0}, stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Computes a 2D convolution over input images. Intended to be used in 2d convolution forward pass. This applies a 2D cross-correlation, not to be confused with the mathematical convolution.


  • input : Tensor - 4D Tensor batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in]
  • weight : Tensor - 4D Tensor convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW]
  • bias : Tensor - 3D Tensor bias of the size [C_out,1,1]
  • padding : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the padding
  • stride : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the stride

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def im2colgemm_conv2d_gradient(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), bias : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), grad_output : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int) = {0, 0}, stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) : Tuple(Tensor(U, CPU(U)), Tensor(U, CPU(U)), Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes gradients of a 2D convolution. Intended to be used after #conv2d to calculate gradients in backward pass.


  • input : Tensor - 4D Tensor batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in]
  • weight : Tensor - 4D Tensor convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW]
  • bias : Tensor - 3D Tensor bias of the size [C_out,1,1]
  • grad_output : Tensor - 4D Tensor gradient of size [N, C_out, H_out, W_out]
  • padding : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the padding
  • stride : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the stride

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def kaiming_normal(*shape : Int, dtype : Tensor(U, V).class) forall U, V #

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def kaiming_uniform(*shape : Int, dtype : Tensor(U, V).class) forall U, V #

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def leaky_relu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Leaky ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def leaky_relu(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Leaky ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def leaky_relu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Leaky ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def leaky_relu!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Leaky ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def leaky_relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Leaky ReLU derivative


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def leaky_relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Leaky ReLU derivative


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def load_iris_dataset #

Returns labels, as well as X and Y training inputs for the IRIS dataset.

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def load_mnist_dataset #

Returns a struct containing features, labels, as well as test_features and test_labels for the MNIST dataset

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def maxpool(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tuple(Int, Int), padding = {0, 0}, stride = {0, 0}) : Tuple(Tensor(Int32, CPU(Int32)), Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes the maxpooling of a Tensor


  • input : Tensor - Tensor to pool
  • kernel : Tuple - Kernel height and width
  • target : Tensor - Tensor truth values
  • padding : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the padding
  • stride : Tuple - Tuple with height and width of the stride

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def maxpool_backward(shape : Array(Int), max_indices : Tensor(Int32, CPU(Int32)), grad_output : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Computes the maxpooling gradient


  • shape : Array - Shape of gradient output
  • max_indices : Tensor - Pooled max indices
  • grad_output : Tensor - Output from forward pass

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def mean_relative_error(y : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), y_true : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Mean relative error for Tensor, mean of the element-wise |y_true - y|/max(|y_true|, |y|) Normally the relative error is defined as |y_true - y| / |y_true|, but here max is used to make it symmetric and to prevent dividing by zero, guaranteed to return zero in the case when both values are zero.

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def mse(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Mean squared error loss


  • input : Tensor - Predicted values
  • target : Tensor - Truth values

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def mse_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cache : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes gradients of mean squared error loss


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def numerical_gradient(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), f : Proc(Tensor(U, CPU(U)), U), h : U = forall U #

Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t. to an input Tensor, useful for gradient checking, recommend using float64 types to assure numerical precision. The gradient is calculated as: (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h) where h is a small number, typically 1e-5 f(x) will be called for each input elements with +h and -h pertubation. Iterate over all elements calculating each partial derivative

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def numerical_gradient(input : Float, f : Proc(Float, Float), h : Float = 1e-5) : Float #

Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t. to an input value, useful for gradient checking, recommend using float64 types to assure numerical precision. The gradient is calculated as: (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h) where h is a small number, typically 1e-5.

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def relu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def relu(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def relu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def relu!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

ReLU activation function


  • x : Tensor - Argument to activate

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def relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Derivative of the ReLU activation function


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def relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Derivative of the ReLU activation function


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def sgd_optimize(value : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), learning_rate : Float) forall U #

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def sgd_optimize(value : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), learning_rate : Float) forall U #

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def sigmoid(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]

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def sigmoid(x) #

Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]

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def sigmoid!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]

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def sigmoid!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]

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def sigmoid_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Sigmoid cross entropy loss


  • input : Tensor - Predicted values
  • target : Tensor - Truth values

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def sigmoid_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), target : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Sigmoid cross entropy loss


  • input : Tensor - Predicted values
  • target : Tensor - Truth values

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def sigmoid_cross_entropy_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cache : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes gradients of sigmoid cross entropy loss


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def sigmoid_cross_entropy_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cache : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), target : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Computes gradients of sigmoid cross entropy loss


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def sigmoid_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Derivative of the Sigmoid function



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.d_sigmoid(a) # => [0.249376, 0.242912, 0.225348]

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def sigmoid_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Derivative of the Sigmoid function



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.d_sigmoid(a) # => [0.249376, 0.242912, 0.225348]

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def softmax_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes softmax cross entropy loss


  • input : Tensor - Predicted values
  • target : Tensor - Truth values

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def softmax_cross_entropy_backward(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Computes gradients of SmCE loss


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def tanh(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U #

Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]

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def tanh(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U #

Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]

[View source]
def tanh!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]

[View source]
def tanh!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]

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def tanh_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U #

Derivative of the Tanh function



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.d_tanh(a) # => [0.990066, 0.892759, 0.673193]

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def tanh_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U #

Derivative of the Tanh function



a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.d_tanh(a) # => [0.990066, 0.892759, 0.673193]

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def variance_scaled(*shape : Int, dtype : U.class, device : V.class, scale : U =, mode : FanMode = FanMode::FanIn, distribution : Distribution = Distribution::Normal) forall U, V #

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