module Num::NN
Extended Modules
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #compute_fans(*shape : Int)
#conv2d(input : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), weight : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), bias : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int), stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1})
Computes a 2D convolution over input images.
#conv2d_backward(input : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), weight : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), bias : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), grad_output : Tensor(Float32, CPU(Float32)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int), stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1})
Computes gradients of a 2D convolution.
#dropout(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), mask : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Computes a forward dropout activation
#dropout(input : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), mask : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Computes a forward dropout activation
#dropout_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), mask : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), probability : Float) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Computes a backwards dropout derivative
#elu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), alpha = 0.01) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Exponential linear unit activation
#elu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), alpha = 0.01) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Exponential linear unit activation
#elu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
ELU derivative
#im2colgemm_conv2d(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), bias : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int) = {0, 0}, stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Computes a 2D convolution over input images.
#im2colgemm_conv2d_gradient(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), bias : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), grad_output : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), padding : Tuple(Int, Int) = {0, 0}, stride : Tuple(Int, Int) = {1, 1}) : Tuple(Tensor(U, CPU(U)), Tensor(U, CPU(U)), Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes gradients of a 2D convolution.
- #kaiming_normal(*shape : Int, dtype : Tensor(U, V).class) forall U, V
- #kaiming_uniform(*shape : Int, dtype : Tensor(U, V).class) forall U, V
#leaky_relu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Leaky ReLU activation function
#leaky_relu(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Leaky ReLU activation function
#leaky_relu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Leaky ReLU activation function
#leaky_relu!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Leaky ReLU activation function
#leaky_relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Leaky ReLU derivative
#leaky_relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Leaky ReLU derivative
Returns labels, as well as X and Y training inputs for the IRIS dataset.
Returns a struct containing features, labels, as well as test_features and test_labels for the MNIST dataset
#maxpool(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), kernel : Tuple(Int, Int), padding = {0, 0}, stride = {0, 0}) : Tuple(Tensor(Int32, CPU(Int32)), Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes the maxpooling of a
#maxpool_backward(shape : Array(Int), max_indices : Tensor(Int32, CPU(Int32)), grad_output : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Computes the maxpooling gradient
#mean_relative_error(y : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), y_true : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Mean relative error for Tensor, mean of the element-wise |y_true - y|/max(|y_true|, |y|) Normally the relative error is defined as |y_true - y| / |y_true|, but here max is used to make it symmetric and to prevent dividing by zero, guaranteed to return zero in the case when both values are zero.
#mse(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Mean squared error loss
#mse_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cache : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes gradients of mean squared error loss
#numerical_gradient(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), f : Proc(Tensor(U, CPU(U)), U), h : U = forall U
Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t.
#numerical_gradient(input : Float, f : Proc(Float, Float), h : Float = 1e-5) : Float
Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t.
#relu(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
ReLU activation function
#relu(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
ReLU activation function
#relu!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
ReLU activation function
#relu!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
ReLU activation function
#relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Derivative of the ReLU activation function
#relu_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Derivative of the ReLU activation function
- #sgd_optimize(value : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), learning_rate : Float) forall U
- #sgd_optimize(value : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), learning_rate : Float) forall U
#sigmoid(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1.
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1.
#sigmoid!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1.
#sigmoid!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1.
#sigmoid_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Sigmoid cross entropy loss
#sigmoid_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), target : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Sigmoid cross entropy loss
#sigmoid_cross_entropy_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cache : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes gradients of sigmoid cross entropy loss
#sigmoid_cross_entropy_backwards(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cache : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), target : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Computes gradients of sigmoid cross entropy loss
#sigmoid_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Derivative of the Sigmoid function
#sigmoid_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Derivative of the Sigmoid function
#softmax_cross_entropy(input : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes softmax cross entropy loss
#softmax_cross_entropy_backward(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), target : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Computes gradients of SmCE loss
#tanh(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) : Tensor(U, CPU(U)) forall U
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1].
#tanh(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) : Tensor(U, OCL(U)) forall U
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1].
#tanh!(x : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1].
#tanh!(x : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1].
#tanh_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, CPU(U)), cached : Tensor(U, CPU(U))) forall U
Derivative of the Tanh function
#tanh_prime(gradient : Tensor(U, OCL(U)), cached : Tensor(U, OCL(U))) forall U
Derivative of the Tanh function
- #variance_scaled(*shape : Int, dtype : U.class, device : V.class, scale : U =, mode : FanMode = FanMode::FanIn, distribution : Distribution = Distribution::Normal) forall U, V
Instance Method Detail
Computes a 2D convolution over input images. Intended to be used in 2d convolution forward pass. This applies a 2D cross-correlation, not to be confused with the mathematical convolution.
- input :
- 4DTensor
batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in] - weight :
- 4DTensor
convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW] - bias :
- 3DTensor
bias of the size [C_out,1,1] - padding :
with height and width of the padding - stride :
with height and width of the stride
Computes gradients of a 2D convolution. Intended to be used after
to calculate gradients in backward pass.
- input :
- 4DTensor
batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in] - weight :
- 4DTensor
convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW] - bias :
- 3DTensor
bias of the size [C_out,1,1] - grad_output :
- 4DTensor
gradient of size [N, C_out, H_out, W_out] - padding :
with height and width of the padding - stride :
with height and width of the stride
Computes a 2D convolution over input images. Intended to be used in 2d convolution forward pass. This applies a 2D cross-correlation, not to be confused with the mathematical convolution.
- input :
- 4DTensor
batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in] - weight :
- 4DTensor
convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW] - bias :
- 3DTensor
bias of the size [C_out,1,1] - padding :
with height and width of the padding - stride :
with height and width of the stride
Computes gradients of a 2D convolution. Intended to be used after
to calculate gradients in backward pass.
- input :
- 4DTensor
batch of images of the size [N,C_in,H_in,W_in] - weight :
- 4DTensor
convolving kernel weights of the size [C_out,C_in,kH,kW] - bias :
- 3DTensor
bias of the size [C_out,1,1] - grad_output :
- 4DTensor
gradient of size [N, C_out, H_out, W_out] - padding :
with height and width of the padding - stride :
with height and width of the stride
Returns a struct containing features, labels, as well as test_features and test_labels for the MNIST dataset
Computes the maxpooling of a Tensor
Mean relative error for Tensor, mean of the element-wise |y_true - y|/max(|y_true|, |y|) Normally the relative error is defined as |y_true - y| / |y_true|, but here max is used to make it symmetric and to prevent dividing by zero, guaranteed to return zero in the case when both values are zero.
Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t. to an input Tensor, useful for gradient checking, recommend using float64 types to assure numerical precision. The gradient is calculated as: (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h) where h is a small number, typically 1e-5 f(x) will be called for each input elements with +h and -h pertubation. Iterate over all elements calculating each partial derivative
Compute numerical gradient for any function w.r.t. to an input value, useful for gradient checking, recommend using float64 types to assure numerical precision. The gradient is calculated as: (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2*h) where h is a small number, typically 1e-5.
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]
Sigmoid takes a real value as input and outputs another value between 0 and 1. It’s easy to work with and has all the nice properties of activation functions: it’s non-linear, continuously differentiable, monotonic, and has a fixed output range.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.sigmoid(a) # => [0.524979, 0.584191, 0.65701 ]
Derivative of the Sigmoid function
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.d_sigmoid(a) # => [0.249376, 0.242912, 0.225348]
Derivative of the Sigmoid function
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
puts Num::NN.d_sigmoid(a) # => [0.249376, 0.242912, 0.225348]
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]
Tanh squashes a real-valued number to the range [-1, 1]. It’s non-linear. But unlike Sigmoid, its output is zero-centered. Therefore, in practice the tanh non-linearity is always preferred to the sigmoid nonlinearity.
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.tanh(a) # => [0.099668, 0.327477, 0.57167 ]
Derivative of the Tanh function
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.d_tanh(a) # => [0.990066, 0.892759, 0.673193]
Derivative of the Tanh function
a = [0.1, 0.34, 0.65].to_tensor
Num::NN.d_tanh(a) # => [0.990066, 0.892759, 0.673193]