class ApiSnoop
- ApiSnoop
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
[ISSUE-41] Workaround to ensure that the apisnoop dir is copied to the Docker host
- #install
- #install_path
- #setup_kind_cluster(name : String, k8s_version : String)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
[ISSUE-41] Workaround to ensure that the apisnoop dir is copied to the Docker host
We are starting a kind cluster within a docker container.
Below is our structure. Host machine -> GitHub Runner -> Kind cluster containers
Mounting any volumes within the kind cluster's control plane, requires that the volume exist on the host machine.
We create /github-runner-cnf-testsuite/cnf-testsuite/cnf-testsuite/tools/apisnoop dir on the docker host as a part of our GitHub Actions workflow.
The above dir is mounted on the docker container as /apisnoop
During apisnoop install, if the dir exists, we copy the apisnoop repo to the shared directory This ensures that it is available on the docker host.
When kind looks for the kubernetes manifest file for apisnoop, it'll be available in the expected dir. For details about the bind source & destination, check tools/github-runner/