class LavinMQ::Queue

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for("queue")


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module LavinMQ::SortableJSON

details_tuple details_tuple, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json

Macros inherited from module LavinMQ::Stats

rate_stats(stats_keys, log_keys = [] of ::String) rate_stats

Instance methods inherited from module LavinMQ::PolicyTarget

apply_policy(policy : Policy | Nil, operator_policy : OperatorPolicy | Nil) apply_policy, clear_policy clear_policy, operator_policy : OperatorPolicy | Nil operator_policy, policy : Policy | Nil policy

Constructor Detail

def : VHost, name : String, exclusive : Bool = false, auto_delete : Bool = false, arguments : AMQ::Protocol::Table = #

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Class Method Detail

def self.generate_name #

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Instance Method Detail

def ack(sp : SegmentPosition) : Nil #

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def ack_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def add_consumer(consumer : Client::Channel::Consumer) #

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def apply_policy(policy : Policy | Nil, operator_policy : OperatorPolicy | Nil) #

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def arguments : AMQ::Protocol::Table #

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def auto_delete? : Bool #

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def basic_get(no_ack, force = false, & : Envelope -> Nil) : Bool #

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def basic_get_unacked : Deque(LavinMQ::UnackedMessage) #

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def bindings #

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def close : Bool #

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def closed? : Bool #

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def confirm_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def consume_get(consumer, & : Envelope -> Nil) : Bool #

If nil is returned it means that the delivery limit is reached

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def consumer_count #

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def consumer_timeout : UInt64 | Nil #

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def current_stats_details #

Like stats_details but without log

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def delete : Bool #

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def deliver_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def details_tuple #

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def durable? #

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def empty? : Bool #

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def empty_change : Channel(Bool) #

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def exclusive? : Bool #

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def get_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def get_no_ack_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def has_exclusive_consumer? : Bool #

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def has_priority_consumers? : Bool #

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def immediate_delivery? #

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def in_use? #

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def inspect(io : IO) #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a String representation of this object which includes its class name, its object address and the values of all instance variables.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).inspect # => #<Person:0x10fd31f20 @name="John", @age=32>

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def last_get_time : Time::Span #

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def match?(durable, exclusive, auto_delete, arguments) #

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def match?(frame) #

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def message_count #

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def message_count_log : Deque(UInt32) #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def name : String #

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def notify_observers(event : LavinMQ::QueueEvent, data : Object | Nil = nil) #

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def operator_policy : OperatorPolicy | Nil #

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def pause! #

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def paused? : Bool #

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def paused_change : Channel(Bool) #

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def policy : Policy | Nil #

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def publish(msg : Message) : Bool #

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def publish_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def purge(max_count : Int = UInt32::MAX) : UInt32 #

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def purge_and_close_consumers : UInt32 #

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def read(sp : SegmentPosition) : Envelope #

Used for when channel recovers without requeue eg. redelivers messages it already has unacked

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def redeclare #

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def redeliver_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def register_observer(observer : LavinMQ::Observer(LavinMQ::QueueEvent)) #

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def reject(sp : SegmentPosition, requeue : Bool) #

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def reject_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def resume! #

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def return_unroutable_count : UInt64 #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def rm_consumer(consumer : Client::Channel::Consumer) #

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def single_active_consumer : Client::Channel::Consumer | Nil #

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def single_active_consumer_change : Channel(LavinMQ::Client::Channel::Consumer) #

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def state : LavinMQ::QueueState #

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def stats_details #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

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def to_json(json : JSON::Builder, consumer_limit : Int32 = -1) #

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def unacked_bytesize : UInt64 #

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def unacked_count : UInt32 #

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def unacked_count_log : Deque(UInt32) #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

def unregister_observer(observer : LavinMQ::Observer(LavinMQ::QueueEvent)) #

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def update_rates : Nil #

Creates @[x]_count and @[x]_rate and @[y]_log

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def vhost : LavinMQ::VHost #

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