class LavinMQ::HTTP::ViewsController

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ETag = "W/\"1721273731\""


Macro Summary

Instance methods inherited from module LavinMQ::HTTP::Router

call(context) call, delete(path : String, &block : Action) delete, find_route(method, path) find_route, get(path : String, &block : Action) get, head(path : String, &block : Action) head, options(path : String, &block : Action) options, patch(path : String, &block : Action) patch, post(path : String, &block : Action) post, put(path : String, &block : Action) put

Constructor Detail

def #

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Macro Detail

macro active_path?(path) #

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macro render(file) #

Render an ecr file from views dir

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macro static_view(path, view = nil, &block) #

Generate a get handler for given path. If no view is specified, path without initial slash will be used as view.

Optional block can be given to modify context or set variables before view is rendered.

This would render views/json_data.ecr and change content type:

static_view "/json", "json_data" do
  context.response.content_type = "application/json"

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