class AMQProxy::Client

Defined in:


Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for(self)
ServerProperties ={product: "AMQProxy", version: VERSION, capabilities: {consumer_priorities: true, exchange_exchange_bindings: true, "connection.blocked": true, authentication_failure_close: true, per_consumer_qos: true, "basic.nack": true, direct_reply_to: true, publisher_confirms: true, consumer_cancel_notify: true}})


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : TCPSocket) #

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Instance Method Detail

def close #

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def close_channel(id, code, reason) #

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def close_connection(code, text, frame = nil) #

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def close_socket #

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def credentials : Credentials #

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def read_loop(channel_pool, socket = @socket) #

frames from enduser

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def write(frame : AMQ::Protocol::Frame) #

Send frame to client, channel id should already be remapped by the caller

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