class AMQP::Client::Queue
- AMQP::Client::Queue
- Reference
- Object
High-level representation of a Queue
client =
ch =
q = ch.queue("foobar")
q.bind("amq.fanout", "")
q.subscribe do |msg|
puts msg.body_io
Defined in:
amqp-client/queue.crInstance Method Summary
#bind(exchange : String, routing_key : String, no_wait = false, args arguments =
Bind the queue to an exchange
Check number of consumers of the queue
#delete(if_unused = false, if_empty = false)
Delete the queue
#get(no_ack = true)
Poll the queue for a message
Check number of messages in the queue
#name : String
Name of the queue
#publish(io : IO, bytesize : Int, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =
Publish a message directly to the queue
#publish(message, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =
Publish a message directly to the queue
#publish(io : IO, bytesize : Int, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =, &blk)
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
#publish(message, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =, &blk)
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
#publish_confirm(io : IO, bytesize : Int, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
#publish_confirm(message, mandatory = false, immediate = false, props properties =
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
Purge the queue
#subscribe(tag = "", no_ack = true, exclusive = false, block = false, args arguments =, work_pool = 1, &blk : DeliverMessage -> Nil)
Consume messages from the queue
#unbind(exchange : String, routing_key : String, args arguments =
Unbind the queue from an exchange
#unsubscribe(consumer_tag, no_wait = true)
Unsubscribe from the queue
Instance Method Detail
Bind the queue to an exchange
Delete the queue
Publish a message directly to the queue
Publish a message directly to the queue
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
Publish a message directly to the queue, block is called when message is confirmed
Consume messages from the queue
Unbind the queue from an exchange
Unsubscribe from the queue
See Channel#basic_cancel
for more details