class Window
- Window
- RenderLoop::Window(Key, MouseButton)
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#cursor_position : RenderLoop::Position
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
#cursor_position=(position : RenderLoop::Position)
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
#cursor_visible=(visible : Bool)
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
- #cursor_visible? : Bool
- #destroy
- #fullscreen? : Bool
- #height : UInt16
- #hide
- #input
#key_pressed?(k : Key) : Bool
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
#mouse_button_pressed?(b : MouseButton) : Bool
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
- #render
- #should_close? : Bool
- #show
#size(s : RenderLoop::Size)
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
#size : RenderLoop::Size
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
- #startup(adapter : WGPU::Adapter, device : WGPU::Device)
- #startup
#surface : WGPU::Surface | Nil
Graphics resources
- #swap_chain : WGPU::SwapChain | Nil
- #title : String
- #title=(title : String)
- #update
- #visible? : Bool?
- #width : UInt16
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib. abstract def cursor_visible? : Bool
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.
TODO This is implementation specific and shouldn't be part of this lib.