class Faker::Date

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Macros inherited from class Faker::Base

uniquify_builder(attribute_name, *modified_method_attributes) uniquify_builder

Class Method Detail

def self.backward(days : Int32 = 365) : Time #

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def self.between(from : Time | String, to : Time | String) : Time #

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def self.between_except(from : Time | String, to : Time | String, excepted : Time | String) #

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def self.birthday(min_age : Int32 = 18, max_age : Int32 = 65) : Time #

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def self.forward(days : Int32 = 365) : Time #

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def self.in_date_period(month : Int32 | Nil = nil, year : Int32 = Time.utc.year) : Time #

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