class Cadmium::Tokenizer::Pragmatic::Languages::English

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ABBREVIATIONS =["adj", "adm", "adv", "al", "ala", "alta", "apr", "arc", "ariz", "ark", "art", "assn", "asst", "attys", "aug", "ave", "bart", "bld", "bldg", "blvd", "brig", "bros", "btw", "cal", "calif", "capt", "cl", "cmdr", "co", "col", "colo", "comdr", "con", "conn", "corp", "cpl", "cres", "ct", "d.phil", "dak", "dec", "del", "dept", "det", "dist", "dr", "dr.phil", "dr.philos", "drs", "e.g", "ens", "esp", "esq", "etc", "exp", "expy", "ext", "feb", "fed", "fla", "ft", "fwy", "fy", "ga", "gen", "gov", "hon", "hosp", "hr", "hway", "hwy", "i.e", "i.b.m", "ia", "id", "ida", "ill", "inc", "ind", "ing", "insp", "jan", "jr", "jul", "jun", "kan", "kans", "ken", "ky", "la", "lt", "ltd", "maj", "man", "mar", "mass", "may", "md", "me", "med", "messrs", "mex", "mfg", "mich", "min", "minn", "miss", "mlle", "mm", "mme", "mo", "mont", "mr", "mrs", "ms", "msgr", "mssrs", "mt", "mtn", "neb", "nebr", "nev", "no", "nos", "nov", "nr", "oct", "ok", "okla", "ont", "op", "ord", "ore", "p", "pa", "pd", "pde", "penn", "penna", "pfc", "ph", "ph.d", "pl", "plz", "pp", "prof", "pvt", "que", "rd", "ref", "rep", "reps", "res", "rev", "rt", "sask", "sec", "sen", "sens", "sep", "sept", "sfc", "sgt", "sr", "st", "supt", "surg", "tce", "tenn", "tex", "u.s", "u.s.a", "univ", "usafa", "ut", "v", "va", "ver", "vs", "vt", "wash", "wis", "wisc", "wy", "wyo", "yuk"] of ::String)
ALNUM_QUOTE = /(\w|\D)'(?!')(?=\W|$)/

Single quotes handling

CONTRACTIONS = {"i'm" => "i am", "i'll" => "i will", "i'd" => "i would", "i've" => "i have", "you're" => "you are", "you'll" => "you will", "you'd" => "you would", "you've" => "you have", "he's" => "he is", "he'll" => "he will", "he'd" => "he would", "she's" => "she is", "she'll" => "she will", "she'd" => "she would", "it's" => "it is", "'tis" => "it is", "it'll" => "it will", "it'd" => "it would", "let's" => "let us", "we're" => "we are", "we'll" => "we will", "we'd" => "we would", "we've" => "we have", "they're" => "they are", "they'll" => "they will", "they'd" => "they would", "they've" => "they have", "there'd" => "there would", "there'll" => "there will", "there're" => "there are", "there's" => "there has", "there've" => "there have", "that's" => "that is", "that'll" => "that will", "that'd" => "that would", "who's" => "who is", "who'll" => "who will", "who'd" => "who would", "what's" => "what is", "what're" => "what are", "what'll" => "what will", "what'd" => "what would", "where's" => "where is", "where'll" => "where will", "where'd" => "where would", "when's" => "when is", "when'll" => "when will", "when'd" => "when would", "why's" => "why is", "why'll" => "why will", "why'd" => "why would", "how's" => "how is", "how'll" => "how will", "how'd" => "how would", "she'd've" => "she would have", "'tisn't" => "it is not", "isn't" => "is not", "aren't" => "are not", "wasn't" => "was not", "weren't" => "were not", "haven't" => "have not", "hasn't" => "has not", "hadn't" => "had not", "won't" => "will not", "wouldn't" => "would not", "don't" => "do not", "doesn't" => "does not", "didn't" => "did not", "can't" => "cannot", "couldn't" => "could not", "shouldn't" => "should not", "mightn't" => "might not", "mustn't" => "must not", "would've" => "would have", "should've" => "should have", "could've" => "could have", "might've" => "might have", "must've" => "must have", "o'" => "of", "o'clock" => "of the clock", "ma'am" => "madam", "ne'er-do-well" => "never-do-well", "cat-o'-nine-tails" => "cat-of-nine-tails", "jack-o'-lantern" => "jack-of-the-lantern", "will-o'-the-wisp" => "will-of-the-wisp", "'twas" => "it was"}

N.B. Some English contractions are ambigous (i.e. "she's" can mean "she has" or "she is"). Pragmatic Base will return the most frequently appearing expanded contraction. Regardless, this should be rather insignificant as in most cases one is probably removing stop words.

QUOTE_NOT_TWAS1 = /(\W|^)'(?!twas)/i
QUOTE_NOT_TWAS2 = /(\W|^)‘(?!twas)/i
QUOTE_WORD = /(\W|^)'(?=\w)/

Class Method Summary

Constructor methods inherited from class Cadmium::Tokenizer::Pragmatic::Languages::Common

new new

Class methods inherited from class Cadmium::Tokenizer::Pragmatic::Languages::Common

abbreviations abbreviations, contractions contractions, handle_single_quotes(text) handle_single_quotes, punctuation_map punctuation_map

Class Method Detail

def self.abbreviations #

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def self.contractions #

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def self.handle_single_quotes(text) #

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