class Session::CookieStore(T)

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Session::Store(T)

[](key : String) : SessionId(T) [], []=(key : String, session : SessionId(T)) : SessionId(T) []=, []?(key : String) : SessionId(T) | Nil []?, clear clear, create : SessionId(T) create, create_session_cookie(host : String) : HTTP::Cookie create_session_cookie, current_session : SessionId(T) current_session, data data, delete(key : String)
, load_from(request_cookies : HTTP::Cookies) : SessionId(T) | Nil load_from, on(event : Symbol, session_id : String, data : T) on, session_id : String session_id, session_key session_key, set_cookies(response_cookies : HTTP::Cookies, host : String = "") : Nil set_cookies, size : Int64 size, timeout timeout, valid? : Bool valid?

Class methods inherited from class Session::Store(T)

provider(**args) : Store(T) provider

Instance methods inherited from module Session::Provider

storage : String storage

Constructor Detail

def : HTTP::Cookies = #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](key : String) : SessionId(T) #

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def []=(key : String, session : SessionId(T)) : SessionId(T) #

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def []?(key : String) : SessionId(T) | Nil #

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def clear #

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def cookies #

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def cookies=(cookies : HTTP::Cookies) #

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def create_data_cookie(session : SessionId(T), host : String = "") : HTTP::Cookie #

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def data_key #

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def delete(key : String) #

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def each(&block : HTTP::Cookie -> _) #
Description copied from module Enumerable(HTTP::Cookie)

Must yield this collection's elements to the block.

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def size : Int64 #
Description copied from module Enumerable(HTTP::Cookie)

Returns the number of elements in the collection.

[1, 2, 3, 4].size # => 4

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def storage : String #

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