class Cql::Delete
- Cql::Delete
- Reference
- Object
A delete query This class represents a delete query It provides methods for building a delete query It also provides methods for executing the query
Example Deleting a record
delete.from(:users).where(id: 1).commit
Defined in:
.new(schema : Schema)
Initialize the delete query - @param schema [Schema] The schema to use - @return [Delete] The delete query object
Instance Method Summary
#back(*columns : Symbol)
Sets the columns to return after the delete - @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return - @return [self] The current instance - @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
Builds the delete expression - @return [Expression::Delete] The delete expression - @raise [Exception] If the table is not set - @raise [Exception] If the where clause is not set
Executes the delete query and returns the result - @return [DB::Result] The result of the query
#from(table : Symbol)
Sets the table to delete from - @param table [Symbol] The name of the table - @return [self] The current instance - @raise [Exception] If the table does not exist
#to_sql(gen = @schema.gen)
Generates the SQL query and parameters - @param gen [Expression::Generator] The generator to use - @return [{String, Array(DB::Any)}] The query and parameters
#using(table : Symbol)
Sets the table to use in the using clause - @param table [Symbol] The name of the table - @return [self] The current instance - @raise [Exception] If the table does not exist
Sets the columns to return - @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return - @return [self] The current instance - @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
#where(attr : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))
Where clause using a hash of conditions to match against - @param attr [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The conditions to match against - @return [self] The current instance
Sets the columns to return - @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return - @return [self] The current instance - @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
Constructor Detail
Initialize the delete query
- @param schema [Schema] The schema to use
- @return [Delete] The delete query object
Example Deleting a record
delete =
.where(id: 1)
Instance Method Detail
Sets the columns to return after the delete
- @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return
- @return [self] The current instance
- @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
Example Setting the columns to return
delete =
.back(:name, :age)
Builds the delete expression
- @return [Expression::Delete] The delete expression
- @raise [Exception] If the table is not set
- @raise [Exception] If the where clause is not set
Example Building the delete expression
delete =
.where(id: 1)
Executes the delete query and returns the result
- @return [DB::Result] The result of the query
Example Deleting a record
delete =
.where(id: 1)
Sets the table to delete from
- @param table [Symbol] The name of the table
- @return [self] The current instance
- @raise [Exception] If the table does not exist
Example Setting the table
delete =
Generates the SQL query and parameters
- @param gen [Expression::Generator] The generator to use
- @return [{String, Array(DB::Any)}] The query and parameters
Example Generating a delete query
delete =
.where(id: 1)
Sets the table to use in the using clause
- @param table [Symbol] The name of the table
- @return [self] The current instance
- @raise [Exception] If the table does not exist
Example Setting the using table
delete =
Sets the columns to return
- @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return
- @return [self] The current instance
- @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
Example Setting the columns to return
delete =
.back(:name, :age)
Where clause using a hash of conditions to match against
- @param attr [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The conditions to match against
- @return [self] The current instance
Example Setting the where clause
delete =
.where(id: 1)
Sets the columns to return
- @param columns [Symbol*] The columns to return
- @return [self] The current instance
- @raise [Exception] If the column does not exist
Example Setting the columns to return
delete =
.back(:name, :age)