class Athena::Validator::Constraints::NegativeOrZero


Validates that a value is a negative number, or 0. Use AVD::Constraints::Negative if you don't want to allow 0.


Optional Arguments


Type: String Default: This value should be negative or zero.

The message that will be shown if the value is not less than or equal to 0.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:


Type: Array(String) | String | Nil Default: nil

The [validation groups][Athena::Validator::Constraint--validation-groups] this constraint belongs to. AVD::Constraint::DEFAULT_GROUP is assumed if nil.


Type: Hash(String, String)? Default: nil

Any arbitrary domain-specific data that should be stored with this constraint. The AVD::Constraint@payload is not used by Athena::Validator, but its processing is completely up to you

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Validator::Constraints::LessThanOrEqual(Int32)

default_error_message : String default_error_message, validated_by : AVD::ConstraintValidator.class validated_by

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Validator::Constraints::LessThanOrEqual(Int32)

new(value : ValueType, message : String = default_error_message, groups : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil) new

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Validator::Constraints::AbstractComparison(Int32)

default_error_message : String default_error_message, value : ValueType value, value_type : ValueType.class value_type

Constructor methods inherited from module Athena::Validator::Constraints::AbstractComparison(Int32)

new(value : ValueType, message : String = default_error_message, groups : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil) new

Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Validator::Constraint

add_implicit_group(group : String) : Nil add_implicit_group, groups : Array(String) groups, groups=(groups : Array(String)) groups=, message : String message, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil payload, validated_by : AVD::ConstraintValidator.class validated_by

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Validator::Constraint

new(message : String, groups : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil) new

Class methods inherited from class Athena::Validator::Constraint

error_name(error_code : String) : String error_name

Constructor Detail

def : String = "This value should be negative or zero.", groups : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def validated_by : AVD::ConstraintValidator.class #


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