module Athena::Serializer


Athena's Serializer component, ASR for short, adds enhanced (de)serialization features to your project.

Getting Started

If using this component within the [Athena Framework][Athena::Framework], it is already installed and required for you. Checkout the manual for some additional information on how to use it within the framework.

If using it outside of the framework, you will first need to add it as a dependency:

    github: athena-framework/serializer
    version: ~> 0.3.0

Then run shards install, being sure to require it via require "athena-serializer".


See the ASR::Annotations namespace a complete list of annotations, as well as each annotation for more detailed information.

# ExclusionPolicy specifies that all properties should not be (de)serialized
# unless exposed via the `ASRA::Expose` annotation.
class Example
  include ASR::Serializable

  # Groups can be used to create different "views" of a type.
  property name : String

  # The `ASRA::Name` controls the name that this property
  # should be deserialized from or be serialized to.
  # It can also be used to set the default serialized naming strategy on the type.
  @[ASRA::Name(deserialize: "a_prop", serialize: "a_prop")]
  property some_prop : String

  # Define a custom accessor used to get the value for serialization.
  @[ASRA::Groups("default", "details")]
  @[ASRA::Accessor(getter: get_title)]
  property title : String

  # ReadOnly properties cannot be set on deserialization
  property created_at : Time = Time.utc

  # Allows the property to be set via deserialization,
  # but not exposed when serialized.
  property password : String?

  # Because of the `:all` exclusion policy, and not having the `ASRA::Expose` annotation,
  # these properties are not exposed.
  getter first_name : String?
  getter last_name : String?

  # Runs directly after `self` is deserialized
  def split_name : Nil
    @first_name, @last_name = @name.split(' ')

  # Allows using the return value of a method as a key/value in the serialized output.
  def get_val : String

  private def get_title : String

obj = ASR.serializer.deserialize Example, %({"name":"FIRST LAST","a_prop":"STR","title":"TITLE","password":"monkey123","created_at":"2020-10-10T12:34:56Z"}), :json
obj                                                                                     # => #<Example:0x7f3e3b106740 @created_at=2020-07-05 23:06:58.943298289 UTC, @name="FIRST LAST", @some_prop="STR", @title="TITLE", @password="monkey123", @first_name="FIRST", @last_name="LAST">
ASR.serializer.serialize obj, :json                                                     # => {"a_prop":"STR","created_at":"2020-07-05T23:06:58.94Z","get_val":"VAL","name":"FIRST LAST","title":"title"}
ASR.serializer.serialize obj, :json, = ["details"] # => {"name":"FIRST LAST","title":"title"}

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.3.4"

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.serializer : ASR::SerializerInterface #

Returns an ASR::SerializerInterface instance for ad-hoc (de)serialization.

The serializer is cached and only instantiated once.

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