module Athena::Serializer


Athena's Serializer component, ASR for short, adds enhanced (de)serialization features to your project.

Getting Started

The serializer component utilizes a module to specify that a type is serializable, as well as annotations to control how it gets (de)serialized.


Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

    github: athena-framework/serializer
    version: ~> 0.2.0

Run shards install.


See the ASR::Annotations namespace a complete list of annotations, as well as each annotation for more detailed information.

# ExclusionPolicy specifies that all properties should not be (de)serialized
# unless exposed via the `ASRA::Expose` annotation.
class Example
  include ASR::Serializable

  # Groups can be used to create different "views" of a type.
  property name : String

  # The `ASRA::Name` controls the name that this property
  # should be deserialized from or be serialized to.
  # It can also be used to set the default serialized naming strategy on the type.
  @[ASRA::Name(deserialize: "a_prop", serialize: "a_prop")]
  property some_prop : String

  # Define a custom accessor used to get the value for serialization.
  @[ASRA::Groups("default", "details")]
  @[ASRA::Accessor(getter: get_title)]
  property title : String

  # ReadOnly properties cannot be set on deserialization
  property created_at : Time = Time.utc

  # Allows the property to be set via deserialization,
  # but not exposed when serialized.
  property password : String?

  # Because of the `:all` exclusion policy, and not having the `ASRA::Expose` annotation,
  # these properties are not exposed.
  getter first_name : String?
  getter last_name : String?

  # Runs directly after `self` is deserialized
  def split_name : Nil
    @first_name, @last_name = @name.split(' ')

  # Allows using the return value of a method as a key/value in the serialized output.
  def get_val : String

  private def get_title : String

obj = ASR.serializer.deserialize Example, %({"name":"FIRST LAST","a_prop":"STR","title":"TITLE","password":"monkey123","created_at":"2020-10-10T12:34:56Z"}), :json
obj                                                                                     # => #<Example:0x7f3e3b106740 @created_at=2020-07-05 23:06:58.943298289 UTC, @name="FIRST LAST", @some_prop="STR", @title="TITLE", @password="monkey123", @first_name="FIRST", @last_name="LAST">
ASR.serializer.serialize obj, :json                                                     # => {"a_prop":"STR","created_at":"2020-07-05T23:06:58.94Z","get_val":"VAL","name":"FIRST LAST","title":"title"}
ASR.serializer.serialize obj, :json, = ["details"] # => {"name":"FIRST LAST","title":"title"}

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.2.10"

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.serializer : ASR::SerializerInterface #

Returns an ASR::SerializerInterface instance for ad-hoc (de)serialization.

The serializer is cached and only instantiated once.

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