struct Athena::Negotiation::Accept


Represents an Accept header media type.

accept = "application/json; q = 0.75; charset = utf-8"

accept.header            # => "application/json; q = 0.75; charset = utf-8"
accept.normalized_header # => "application/json; charset=utf-8"
accept.parameters        # => {"charset" => "utf-8"}
accept.quality           # => 0.75
accept.type              # => "application"
accept.sub_type          # => "json"

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Athena::Negotiation::BaseAccept

header : String header, normalized_header : String normalized_header, parameters : Hash(String, String) parameters, quality : Float32 quality

Constructor methods inherited from struct Athena::Negotiation::BaseAccept

new(header : String) new

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def media_range : String #

Returns the media range this Accept header represents.

I.e. #header minus the #quality and #parameters.

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def sub_type : String #

Returns the sub type for this Accept header. E.x. if the #media_range is application/json, the sub type would be json.

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def type : String #

Returns the type for this Accept header. E.x. if the #media_range is application/json, the type would be application.

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