module Athena::EventDispatcher::EventDispatcherInterface


An event dispatcher is the primary type of Athena::EventDispatcher. It maintains a registry of listeners, with events also being dispatched via this type. When dispatched, the dispatcher notifies all listeners registered with that event.


Listeners can be added in a few ways, with the simplest being registering a block directly on the dispatcher instance.

class MyEvent < AED::Event; end

dispatcher.listener MyEvent do |event, dispatcher|
  # Do something with the event, and/or dispatcher

Another way involves passing an AED::Callable instance, created manually or via the AED::Event.callable method. Lastly, an AED::EventListenerInterface instance may also be passed.

Once all listeners are registered, you can begin to dispatch events. Dispatching an event is simply calling the #dispatch method with an AED::Event subclass instance as an argument.

Listener Priority

As you may have noticed, each way of registering a listener has an optional priority parameter. This value can be a positive or negative integer, with a default of 0 that controls the order in which each listener is executed. The higher the value, the sooner that listener would be executed. If two listeners have the same priority, they are executed in the order in which they were registered with the dispatcher.

class MyEvent < AED::Event; end

dispatcher =
dispatcher.listener(MyEvent, priority: -10) { pp "callback1" }
dispatcher.listener(MyEvent, priority: 10) { pp "callback2" }
dispatcher.listener(MyEvent) { pp "callback3" }
dispatcher.listener(MyEvent, priority: 20) { pp "callback4" }
dispatcher.listener(MyEvent) { pp "callback5" }

# =>
#   "callback4"
#   "callback2"
#   "callback3"
#   "callback5"
#   "callback1"

NOTE While the priority can be any Int32, best practices suggest keeping it in the -255..255 range.

Direct including types

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

abstract def dispatch(event : AED::Event) : AED::Event #

Dispatches the provided event to all listeners listening on that event. Listeners are executed in priority order, highest first.

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abstract def has_listeners?(event_class : AED::Event.class) : Bool #

Returns true if this dispatcher has any listeners on the provided event_class.

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abstract def has_listeners? : Bool #

Returns true if there are any listeners on any event.

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abstract def listener(callable : AED::Callable) : AED::Callable #

Registers the provided callable listener to this dispatcher.

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abstract def listener(listener : AED::EventListenerInterface) : Nil #

Registers the provided listener instance to this dispatcher.

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abstract def listener(callable : AED::Callable, *, priority : Int32) : AED::Callable #

Registers the provided callable listener to this dispatcher, overriding its priority with that of the provided priority.

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abstract def listener(event_class : E.class, *, priority : Int32 = 0, name : String | Nil = nil, &block : E, AED::EventDispatcherInterface -> Nil) : AED::Callable forall E #

Registers the block as an AED::Callable on the provided event_class, optionally with the provided priority and/or name.

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abstract def listeners(for event_class : AED::Event.class) : Array(AED::Callable) #

Returns an Array(AED::Callable) for all listeners on the provided event_class.

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abstract def listeners : Hash(AED::Event.class, Array(AED::Callable)) #

Returns a hash of all registered listeners as a Hash(AED::Event.class, Array(AED::Callable)).

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abstract def remove_listener(callable : AED::Callable) : Nil #

Deregisters the provided callable from this dispatcher.

TIP: The callable may be one retrieved via either #listeners method.

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abstract def remove_listener(listener : AED::EventListenerInterface) : Nil #

Deregisters listeners based on the provided listener from this dispatcher.

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