module Athena::EventDispatcher
Object-oriented code has helped a lot in ensuring code extensibility. By having classes with well defined responsibilities, it becomes more flexible and easily extendable to modify their behavior. However inheritance has its limits is not the best option when these modifications need to be shared between other modified subclasses. Say for example you want to do something before and after a method is executed, without interfering with the other plugins.
The Athena::EventDispatcher
component is a Mediator and Observer pattern event library.
This pattern allows creating very flexibly and truly extensible applications.
A good example of this is the architecture of Athena Framework itself.
Once an ATH::Response
has been created by a controller, it may be useful to allow additional modifications before it is actually returned to the client.
Such modifications could include adding additional headers, paginating the data itself, or capturing performance metrics to name a few.
To handle this, the framework itself makes use of Athena::EventDispatcher
to dispatch an event that notifies all registered listeners on that event.
From which, they could make any necessary modifications seamlessly without affecting the framework logic itself, or the other listeners.
# Create a custom event.
class ExceptionRaisedEvent < AED::Event
property? handled : Bool = false
getter exception : Exception
# Events can contain stateful information related to the event.
def initialize(@exception : Exception); end
dispatcher =
# Register a listener directly with the dispatcher
dispatcher.listener ExceptionRaisedEvent do |event|
pp event.exception.message
# Or use a dedicated type for more complex use cases.
class ExceptionListener
include AED::EventListenerInterface
# Multiple methods can be defined to handle multiple events within the same listener,
# and/or to share state via instance variables between listener methods on different events.
def on_exception(event : ExceptionRaisedEvent) : Nil
# Do something with the event`
event.handled = true
# Instantiate our custom event.
event ="Test exception")
dispatcher.dispatch event
# =>
# "Test exception"
event.handled? # => true
Getting Started
If using this component within the [Athena Framework][Athena::Framework], it is already installed and required for you. Checkout the manual for some additional information on how to use it within the framework.
If using it outside of the framework, you will first need to add it as a dependency:
github: athena-framework/event-dispatcher
version: ~> 0.2.0
Then run shards install
, being sure to require it via require "athena-event_dispatcher"
From here you will want to create your AED::Event
s classes.
You will then need a way to create/register the listeners with an AED::EventDispatcherInterface
The dispatcher should be created in a way that allows it to be used throughout the application such that any mutations that happen to the listeners are reflected on subsequent dispatches.
WARNING If using this component within the context of something that handles independent execution flows, such as a web framework, you will want there to be a dedicated dispatcher instance for each path. This ensures that one flow will not leak state to any other flow, while still allowing flow specific mutations to be used. Consider pairing this component with the [Athena::DependencyInjection][Athena::DependencyInjection--getting-started] component as a way to handle this.
TIP: If using this component with the Athena::DependencyInjection
component, AED::EventListenerInterface
that have the ADI::Register
annotation will automatically
be registered with the default AED::EventDispatcherInterface
Defined in:
Constant Summary