class Athena::Console::Output::Section


A ACON::Output::ConsoleOutput can be divided into multiple sections that can be written to and cleared independently of one another.

Output sections can be used for advanced console outputs, such as displaying multiple progress bars which are updated independently, or appending additional rows to tables.

protected def execute(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : ACON::Command::Status
  raise "This command may only be used with `ACON::Output::ConsoleOutputInterface`." unless output.is_a? ACON::Output::ConsoleOutputInterface

  section1 = output.section
  section2 = output.section

  section1.puts "Hello"
  section2.puts "World!"
  # Output contains "Hello\nWorld!\n"

  sleep 1.second

  # Replace "Hello" with "Goodbye!"
  section1.overwrite "Goodbye!"
  # Output now contains "Goodbye\nWorld!\n"

  sleep 1.second

  # Clear "World!"
  # Output now contains "Goodbye!\n"

  sleep 1.second

  # Delete the last 2 lines of the first section
  section1.clear 2
  # Output is now empty


Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Output::IO

io : ::IO io, io=(io : ::IO) io=, to_s(*args, **options)
to_s(*args, **options, &)

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Output::IO

new(io : ::IO, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity | Nil = :normal, decorated : Bool | Nil = nil, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface | Nil = nil) new

Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Output

decorated=(decorated : Bool) : Nil decorated=, decorated? : Bool decorated?, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface formatter, formatter=(formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface) : Nil formatter=, print(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil
print(message : _, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil
print(*messages : String) : Nil
, puts(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil
puts(message : _, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil
puts(*messages : String) : Nil
, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity verbosity, verbosity=(verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity) : Nil verbosity=

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Output

new(verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity | Nil = :normal, decorated : Bool = false, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface | Nil = nil) new

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Console::Output::Interface

decorated=(decorated : Bool) : Nil decorated=, decorated? : Bool decorated?, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface formatter, formatter=(formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface) : Nil formatter=, print(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil print, puts(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil puts, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity verbosity, verbosity=(verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity) : Nil verbosity=

Constructor Detail

def : ::IO, sections : Array(self), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity, decorated : Bool, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clear(lines : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Nil #

Clears at most lines from self. If lines is nil, all of self is cleared.

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def content : String #

Returns the full content string contained within self.

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def max_height=(max_height : Int32 | Nil) : Nil #

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def overwrite(message : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

Overrides the current content of self with the provided message.

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def overwrite(*messages : String) : Nil #

Overrides the current content of self with the provided messages.

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