struct Athena::Console::Cursor


Provides an OO way to interact with the console window, allows writing on any position of the output.

class CursorCommand < ACON::Command
  @@default_name = "cursor"

  protected def execute(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : ACON::Command::Status
    cursor = output

    # Move the cursor to a specific column, row position.
    cursor.move_to_position 50, 3

    # Write text at that location.
    output.puts "Hello!"

    # Clear the current line.


Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : ACON::Output::Interface, input : IO | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clear_line : self #

Clears the current line.

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def clear_line_after : self #

Clears the current line after the cursor's current position.

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def clear_output : self #

Clears the output from the cursors' current position to the end of the screen.

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def clear_screen : self #

Clears the entire screen.

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def current_position : Tuple(Int32, Int32) #

Returns the current column, row position of the cursor.

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def hide : self #

Hides the cursor.

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def move_down(lines : Int32 = 1) : self #

Moves the cursor down lines lines.

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def move_left(lines : Int32 = 1) : self #

Moves the cursor left lines lines.

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def move_right(lines : Int32 = 1) : self #

Moves the cursor right lines lines.

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def move_to_column(column : Int32) : self #

Moves the cursor to the provided column.

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def move_to_position(column : Int32, row : Int32) : self #

Moves the cursor to the provided column, row position.

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def move_up(lines : Int32 = 1) : self #

Moves the cursor up lines lines.

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def restore_position : self #

Restores the position set via #save_position.

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def save_position : self #

Saves the current position such that it could be restored via #restore_position.

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def show : self #

Shows the cursor.

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