abstract struct ElementAPI
- ElementAPI
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses
- BackgroundAPI
- EnableDebugAPI
- FillAPI
- FillOpacityAPI
- FontAPI
- FontSizeAPI
- ImageAPI
- LineAPI
- LineCapAPI
- LineDashAPI
- LineHeightAPI
- LineJoinAPI
- NewDrawingAPI
- NewPageAPI
- NoFillAPI
- NoStrokeAPI
- OvalAPI
- PolygonAPI
- RectAPI
- RotateAPI
- SaveAPI
- ScaleAPI
- SizeAPI
- StrokeAPI
- StrokeOpacityAPI
- StrokeWidthAPI
- TextAlignAPI
- TextAPI
- TextBoxAPI
- TranslateAPI
Defined in:
.new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
Macro for creating the Map with list of Subclasses