struct Cryogen::VaultEntry
- Cryogen::VaultEntry
- Struct
- Value
- Object
TODO make this a generic struct and implement Encrypted/DecryptedEntry as Entry(T) once crystal adds support for generic aliases; see
Included Modules
- Enumerable({String, Cryogen::VaultEntry | String})
- Iterable({String, Cryogen::VaultEntry | String})
Defined in:
- .empty : self
- .new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)
- .new(value : ValueType)
- .new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node, &)
Instance Method Summary
- #decrypt(key : Key) : self
- #each(*args, **options)
- #each(*args, **options, &)
- #encrypt(key : Key) : self
#merge_encrypted(other : self, key : Key) : self
assuming an encrypted entry, return a new entry containing contents of another encrypted entry, but with the ciphertext of this entry if plaintext matches.
- #to_env(namespace : String | Nil = nil) : Hash(String, String)
- #to_yaml(*args, **options)
- #to_yaml(*args, **options, &)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
assuming an encrypted entry, return a new entry containing contents of another encrypted entry, but with the ciphertext of this entry if plaintext matches. this prevents ciphertext churn for plaintext no-ops.