class Mail::UnstructuredField


Provides access to an unstructured header field

===Per RFC 2822: 2.2.1. Unstructured Header Field Bodies

Some field bodies in this standard are defined simply as
"unstructured" (which is specified below as any US-ASCII characters,
except for CR and LF) with no further restrictions.  These are
referred to as unstructured field bodies.  Semantically, unstructured
field bodies are simply to be treated as a single line of characters
with no further processing (except for header "folding" and
"unfolding" as described in section 2.2.3).

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Mail::CommonField

charset : String | Nil charset, charset=(charset : String | Nil) charset=, decoded decoded, default default, do_decode do_decode, do_encode do_encode, element element, element=(element) element=, encoded encoded, errors : Array(Array(Mail::Field::ParseError | String)) errors, errors=(errors : Array(Array(String | Field::ParseError))) errors=, main_type main_type, mime_type mime_type, name : String | Nil name, name=(name : String | Nil) name=, parameters parameters, parse parse, responsible_for?(field_name) responsible_for?, singular? singular?, to_s to_s, value : String | Nil value, value=(value) value=

Constructor methods inherited from class Mail::CommonField

new(value = nil, charset = nil) new

Class methods inherited from class Mail::CommonField

parse(*args) parse, singular? singular?

Constructor Detail

def, value, charset = "UTF-8") #

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Instance Method Detail

def parse #

An unstructured field does not parse

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