abstract class Cli::CommandBase


The base of command classes.

Your application should not directly inherit this class. Instead, use Command or Supercommand.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.command_name(value : String) #

Sets the command name.

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def self.disable_help_on_parsing_error! #

Disables printing a help message when a parsing error occurs.

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def self.generate_bash_completion #

Generates a bash completion script.

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def self.generate_zsh_completion(functional : Bool = true) #

Generates a zsh completion script.

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def self.version(value : String) #

Sets the command version.

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Instance Method Detail

def args #

Returns option and argument values (an OptionModel instance).

This method is the same as #options.

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def err #

Returns the :err IO.

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def error!(message : String | Nil = nil, code : Int32 | Nil = nil, help : Bool = false, indent = 2) #

Exits the command with an error status.

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def exit!(message : String | Nil = nil, error : Bool = false, code : Int32 | Nil = nil, help = false, indent = 2) #

Exits the command.

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def help!(message : String | Nil = nil, error : Bool | Nil = nil, code : Int32 | Nil = nil, indent = 2) #

Prints a help message and exits the command.

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def io #

Returns a named IO container.

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def nameless_args : Array(String) #

Returns an array of nameless argument values.

This method is a short form of #args.nameless_args.

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def options #

Returns option and argument values (an OptionModel instance).

This method is the same as #args.

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def out #

Returns the :out IO.

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def print(*args) #

Invokes the :out IO'S print method.

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def puts(*args) #

Invokes the :out IO's puts method.

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def run #

Runs the command.

This method is an entrypoint for running a command.

Subclasses must override this method.

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def unparsed_args : Array(String) #

Returns an array of unparsed argument values.

This method is a short form of #args.unparsed_args.

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def version : String #

Returns the command version.

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def version! #

Prints a version string and exits the command.

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def version? : String | Nil #

Returns the command version.

Returns nil, if no version is set.

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Macro Detail

macro define_callback_group(name, proc_type = ::Proc(::Nil)) #

Defines a new callback group.

This macro is automatically defined by the Crystal Callback library.

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macro inherit_callback_group(name, proc_type = ::Proc(::Nil)) #

Inherits an existing callback group that is defined in its ancestor class.

This macro is automatically defined by the Crystal Callback library.

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macro replacer_command(klass) #

Replaces this command with the klass command.

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