class Sentry::SentryCommand::Options


The dedicated Cli::OptionModel subclass for the SentryCommand class.

This class is automatically defined by the Crystal CLI library.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.defaults #

[View source]
def self.join_commands(command_array : Array(String)) : String #

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Instance Method Detail

def b #

Returns the -b option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def b? #

Returns the -b option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def build #

Returns the -b option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def build? #

Returns the -b option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def i? #

Returns the -i option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def info? #

Returns the -i option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def n #

Returns the -n option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def n? #

Returns the -n option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def name #

Returns the -n option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def name? #

Returns the -n option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def r #

Returns the -r option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def r? #

Returns the -r option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def run #

Returns the -r option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def run? #

Returns the -r option value.

Returns nil, if the value is undefined.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def w #

Returns the -w option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.

def watch #

Returns the -w option value.

This method is automatically defined by the optarg library.