enum WKB::ObjectKind


Convenience enum that represents the respective object's type numeric code in WKB.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Point = 1_u32
LineString = 2_u32
Polygon = 3_u32
MultiPoint = 4_u32
MultiLineString = 5_u32
MultiPolygon = 6_u32
GeometryCollection = 7_u32

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def geometry? #

Returns false if the object is a GeometryCollection.

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def geometry_collection? #

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def line_string? #

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def multi_line_string? #

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def multi_point? #

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def multi_polygon? #

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def multipart? #

Returns true if the object's children are simple geometry objects.

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def point? #

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def polygon? #

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