struct PlaceOS::API::Models::System

Included Modules

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def bookable : Bool #

Flag for signifying the space as reservable.

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def capacity : Int32 #

Number of people that can be accommodated in this space.

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def created_at : Time #

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def description : String | Nil #

Markdown formatted text that describes the system.

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def edge_id : String #

The engine node that this system operates from.

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def email : String | Nil #

Calendar URI that is associated with this system.

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def features : String #

List of features in the room for searching and filtering spaces.

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def id : String #

A universally unique identifier for the system.

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def installed_ui_devices : Int32 #

Expected number of fixed installation touch panels.

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def modules : Array(String) #

Module ID's that this system contains.

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def name : String #

A human readable identifier.

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def settings : Hash(String, JSON::Any) #

JSON object representing the system's configuration.

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def support_url : URI | Nil #

A URL linking to the primary interface for controlling this system.

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def version : Int32 #

Incrementing counter for handling stale updates.

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def zones : Array(String) #

Zone IDs that this system is a member of.

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