struct Servo::Model::Channel


Represents a Channel.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Servo::Model::Identifiable

created_at : Time created_at, id : Servo::Model::Snowflake id

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def application_id : Servo::Model::Snowflake | Nil #

The application ID of the group DM creator if it is bot-created.

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def bitrate : UInt32 | Nil #

The bitrate of the voice channel.

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def default_auto_archive_duration : Servo::Model::ThreadAutoArchiveDuration | Nil #

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def guild_id : Servo::Model::Snowflake | Nil #

The ID of the guild this channel is in if any.

This may be missing for some channel objects recieved over gateway guild dispatches.

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def icon : String | Nil #

The icon hash of the group DM.

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def last_message_id : Servo::Model::Snowflake | Nil #

The ID of the last message sent in this channel.

This may not point to an existing or valid message.

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def last_pin_timestamp : Time | Nil #

When the last pinned message was pinned.

This may be nil in events such as GUILD_CREATE when a message is not pinned.

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def member : Servo::Model::ThreadMember | Nil #

Thread member object for the current user, if they have joined the thread.

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def member_count : UInt8 | Nil #

An approximate count of users in a thread, stops at 50.

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def message_count : UInt8 | Nil #

An approximate count of messages in a thread, stops at 50.

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def name : String | Nil #

The name of this channel.

Must be 1-100 characters.

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def nsfw : Bool | Nil #

Whether the channel is NSFW.

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def owner_id : Servo::Model::Snowflake | Nil #

The id of the creator of the group DM or thread.

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def parent_id : Servo::Model::Snowflake | Nil #

The id of the parent category for a channel.

If this channel is a thread it is the ID of the text channel this thread was created in.

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def permission_overwrites : Array(Servo::Model::PermissionOverwrite) | Nil #

Array of explicit Servo::Model::PermissionOverwrite for members and roles.

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def permissions : Servo::Model::Permissions | Nil #

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def position : Int32 | Nil #

The sorting position of the channel.

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def rate_limit_per_user : UInt32 | Nil #

The amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message.

This value must between 0 and 21600. Bots as well as users with MANAGE_MESSAGES, or MANAGE_CHANNEL permissions are unnaffected.

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def recipients : Array(Servo::Model::User) | Nil #

The recipients of the DM.

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def rtc_region : String | Nil #

Voice Region ID for the voice channel.

Automatic when set to nil.

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def thread_metadata : Servo::Model::ThreadMetadata | Nil #

Thread specific fields not needed by other channels.

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def topic : String | Nil #

The channel topic.

Must be 0-1024 characters.

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def type : ChannelType #

The type of this channel.

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def user_limit : UInt32 | Nil #

The user limit of the voice channel.

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def video_quality_mode : VideoQualityMode | Nil #

The camera video quality mode of the voice channel.

Automatic when set to nil.

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