
keeps a record of our wars

This application is designed to accept and parse an outgoing Slack webhook. Specifically, Warscribe takes a command like /addwar foo vs bar and appends foo and bar to a list of comparisons. It's being used in Devanooga's #holywars Slack channel. Warscribe is built to store its data in Airtable.


Currently, Warscribe will do one of two things when parsing a command. It will return its version if the invoked command was /addwar version. It will add two options to a list of comparisons when they are separated by vs, eg. /addwar foo vs bar. You can provide a context for the war by appending a semicolon followed by the extra context, eg. ; baz.


A few features are planned as soon as I (or others) get time to implement them. Here's an unordered list of them: