Top Level Namespace

Defined in:

Constant Summary

HELPFUL_HINTS = ["want to be part of the flock? try !start_record and !consent"]
JOKES = [""]
PONG_FACTS = [":ping_pong: is a nice game", ":ping_pong: yourself", ":ping_pong:", ":ping_pong: gers", "29 November 1972 is when :ping_pong: was released", ":ping_pong: was the first game developed by atari", ":ping_pong:"]
QUOTES = ["feature; not a bug; sweep it unda tha rug", "audacious mispellings are for rappers ONLY. coders should aspire to spell correctly for ctrl+f. f to pay respects right meow."]
TWITCH_MOD_COMMANDS = ["/ban", "/clear", "/disconnect", "/emoteonly", "/emoteonlyoff", "/followers", "/followersoff", "/host", "/marker", "/me", "/mod", "/mods", "/raid", "/slow", "/slowoff", "/subscribers", "/subscribersoff", "/timeout", "/unban", "/unblock", "/unhost", "/uniquechat", "/uniquechatoff", "/unmod", "/unraid", "/unvip", "/user", "/vip", "/vips", "/w"]
YAK_INC_RESP = ["wow another yak", "do you really need more wool?", "what were you doing again?"]