module T


Macros for seeing where and when things are happening in a concurrent framwork.

Example program:

require "./method_name_macro"
# extend T # extend or include at the top level is possible

T.trace = true

module Foo
  include T

    d # just method name prints
    dt "no parentheses seems neatest"
    dt "before sleep"
    sleep 750.milliseconds
    dt("after three quarter second sleep")
    d "bottom" # just method name and message, no time
T.dtt("at top level (no method name available)")

At the prompt:

$ crystal
         :  foo :
  0.000  :  foo : no parentheses seems neatest
  0.000  :  foo : before sleep
  0.750  :  foo : after three quarter second sleep
         :  foo : bottom
  0.751  :  at top level (no method name available)

The module has global like class variables start and trace. start is set to the time the program started, and trace should be set to true if trace statements placed in the program text should actually print something. By using macro instead of def, the macro is inlined so we get the method name the macro is in.

Direct including types

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.start #

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def self.trace=(do_debug_messages) #

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def self.trace? #

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Macro Detail

macro d(msg = "") #

A macro that prints the name of the method it was called in and an optional message.

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macro dt(msg = "") #

A macro that prints the time interval since the program started and current time, the name of the method it was called in and an optional message.

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macro dtt(msg = "") #

A macro that prints the time interval since the program started and current time and an optional message. For when you're at the top level outside of a method with a name.

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