class Liquid::Context


A Context object provides the variables used by the Template object. These variables are stored as key-value pairs of type String, Liquid::Any.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Bool) #

DEPRECATED Use initialize(ErrorMode) instead.

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def : Liquid::Context::ErrorMode = :lax, data : Hash(String, Liquid::Any) = Hash(String, Any).new) #

Creates a new Context with the given error_mode and data.

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Instance Method Detail

def [](var : String) : Any #

Alias for #get

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def []=(var, value : Any) : Any #

Alias for #set

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def []=(var, value : Any::Type) : Any #

Alias for #set

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def []=(var : String, val : Array(String)) #

DEPRECATED Use #set instead.

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def []=(var : String, val : Hash(String, String)) #

DEPRECATED Use #set instead.

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def []?(var : String) : Any | Nil #

Returns the value for the variable given by var, or nil if the variable isn't found.

This doesn't trigger any exceptions or store any errors if the variable doesn't exists.

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def error_mode : ErrorMode #

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def error_mode=(error_mode : ErrorMode) #

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Returns a list of errors found when rendering using this context.

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def get(var, strict : Bool) #

DEPRECATED Use #[] or #[]? instead.

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def get(var : String) : Any #

Fetch a variable from context, add UndefinedVariable error if the variable isn't found and behave according the error mode.

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def lax?(*args, **options) #

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def lax?(*args, **options, &) #

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def set(var : String, value : Any) : Any #

Sets the value of var to the given value.

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def set(var : String, value : Any::Type) : Any #

Sets the value for var to an instance of Liquid::Any generated from value.

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def set(var : String, json : JSON::Any) : Nil #

Set the contents of a JSON::Any to the context.

NOTE You need to require "liquid/json" to use this method.

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def strict : Bool #

DEPRECATED Use #error_mode instead.

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def strict=(value : Bool) : Bool #

DEPRECATED Use #error_mode= instead.

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def strict?(*args, **options) #

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def strict?(*args, **options, &) #

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def to_s(io : IO) #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a short String representation of this object which includes its class name and its object address.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).to_s # => #<Person:0x10a199f20>

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def warn?(*args, **options) #

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def warn?(*args, **options, &) #

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