class SDL::Surface

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Pointer(LibSDL::Surface)) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.from(buffer : Bytes, width, height, format : PixelFormat) #

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Instance Method Detail

def alpha_mod #

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def alpha_mod=(alpha) #

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def blend_mode #

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def blend_mode=(blend_mode : BlendMode) #

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def blit(dst : Surface, srcrect = nil, dstrect = nil) #

Fast copy of this Surface to dst Surface.

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def blit_scaled(dst : Surface, srcrect = nil, dstrect = nil) #

Fast scaled copy of this Surface to dst Surface. Scales to the whole surface by default.

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def clip_rect #

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def clip_rect=(rect) #

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def color(r, g, b, a = nil) #

Maps an RGB(A) color for this surface.

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def color_key #

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def color_key=(rgb) #

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def color_mod #

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def color_mod=(rgb) #

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def convert(surface) #

Copy this surface into a new one that is optimized for blitting to the given surface.

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def fill(rect : Nil, r, g, b, a = nil) #

Fill the whole surface with a RGB(A) color.

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def fill(rect : SDL::Rect, r, g, b, a = nil) #

Fill a rect of the surface with a RGB(A) color.

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def fill(r, g, b, a = nil) #

Fill the whole surface with a RGB(A) color.

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def finalize #

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def flags #

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def format #

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def height #

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def lock(&) #

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def pitch #

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def save_bmp(path) #

Saves the Surface as a BMP image.

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def set_color_key(rgb, flag = 1) #

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(LibSDL::Surface) #

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def width #

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