class Cheet::Markdown::MarkdownDocument

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Cheet::Document

build_index : Index build_index, content(heading : Heading, include_heading = false) : IO content, content?(heading_index : Int32, include_heading = false) : IO | Nil content?, index : Index index, name : Path | String name, parse(io : IO, builder : Poor::Builder | Poor::Stream)
parse(io : IO) : Poor::Markup
, parse_map(io : IO, builder : Poor::Builder | Poor::Stream, & : Markup -> Markup) parse_map, select_headings(&func : Heading -> U) : Iterator(Heading) forall U select_headings, skip_to_content(heading : Heading, *, skip_heading = true) skip_to_content

Constructor methods inherited from class Cheet::Document

new(name : Path | String) new

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def build_index : Index #
Description copied from class Cheet::Document

Builds the index of headings in this document.

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def parse(io : IO, builder : Poor::Builder | Poor::Stream) #
Description copied from class Cheet::Document

Parses the content of io into builder.

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def parse(io : IO) : Poor::Markup #
Description copied from class Cheet::Document

Parses the content of io as rich text.

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def parse_map(io : IO, builder : Poor::Builder | Poor::Stream, &) #
Description copied from class Cheet::Document

Parses the content of io, transforms it using the provided block and passes it into builder.

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def skip_to_content(heading : Heading, *, skip_heading = true) #
Description copied from class Cheet::Document

Seeks within the underlying file the content immediately after heading.

This method should not be called by clients directly.

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