module GPhoto2::Camera::Filesystem

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def /(path) : CameraFolder #

Returns CameraFolder instance of the given path.

# Get a list of filenames in a path.
folder = camera/"store_00010001/DCIM/100D5100" # => ["DSC_0001.JPG", "DSC_0002.JPG", ...]

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def blob(path : Path | String) : CameraFile #

Returns CameraFile instance of the given path.

file = camera.blob("/store_00010001/DCIM/100D5100/DSC_0001.JPG") # => "DSC_0001.JPG"

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def filesystem(path : Path | String = "/") : CameraFolder #

Returns CameraFolder instance of the given path.

# Get a list of filenames in a path.
folder = camera/"store_00010001/DCIM/100D5100" # => ["DSC_0001.JPG", "DSC_0002.JPG", ...]

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def filesystem_reset : Nil #

Clear the filesystem.

Resets the filesystem. All cached information including the folder tree will get lost and will be queried again on demand.

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