module TwentyFortyEight


This is the main container that allows you to interact with the underlying Game struct, it provides two simple methods to allow for automatic gameplay and controlling gameplay using a block. Sizes of #sample games are defined by SIZE which in turn can be defined on the command line, see Options or 2048 -h for more information

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.1.0"

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.options #

Stores an instance op Options with parsed command line arguments

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Instance Method Detail

def sample(*args) #

Returns a finished Game with a Board of specified size Int32 or input Array(Array(Int32))

If no arguments are given, a Board will be initialized with a default size of 4 and 2 values will be inserted a random #empty positions on the board. If an input board is specified by supplying a Array(Array(Int32)) then no values will be inserted prior to playing the game.

NOTE This means that if a board containing only 0 as values for all fields is passed, the game will never end. This happens because the #over? method short circuits when the board isn't full and because of the fact that for a value to be inserted, the board has to have change? which it will not have when only moving empty values.

Finished simply means Game#over?, the game is played automatically by trying each move in order: Game#down, Game#left, Game#right and finally Game#up. This process is repeated until no more moves are possible.

puts TwentyFortyEight.sample.score

Will output:


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def sample(*args, &) #

Same as #sample(*args) but plays the game with provided block, the game is the receiver of methods within the supplied block.

you are responsible for calling Game#move with one of :left, :right, :up and :down or a directional move e.g. Game#down, Game#left, Game#right or Game#up.

A game ends automatically once Game#over? is true.

An example that matches the regular #sample:

puts TwentyFortyEight.sample { down || left || right || up }.score

Will output:


A call to any of the available moves in a game will return it's direction as a Symbol if successful This means you can find out per move, which direction was moved using:

TwentyFortyEight.sample { moved = down || left || right || up; puts moved }

Will output

... snipped ...

also, getters such as Game#size and Game#board are callable from within the block. What they represent is up to you, depending on wether you call these before or after you've executed a successful move.

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