struct Source::InfoResponse

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : UInt8 | Nil = nil, name : Nil | String = nil, map : Nil | String = nil, folder : Nil | String = nil, game : Nil | String = nil, app : UInt16 | Nil = nil, players : UInt8 | Nil = nil, max_players : UInt8 | Nil = nil, bots : UInt8 | Nil = nil, type : Source::ServerType | Nil = nil, os : Source::OS | Nil = nil, password : Bool | Nil = nil, secure : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def app : UInt16 | Nil #

Steam Application ID of game.

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def bots : UInt8 | Nil #

Number of bots on the server.

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def folder : String | Nil #

Name of the folder containing the game files.

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def game : String | Nil #

Full name of the game.

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def map : String | Nil #

Map the server has currently loaded.

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def max_players : UInt8 | Nil #

Maximum number of players the server reports it can hold.

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def name : String | Nil #

Name of the server.

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def os : Source::OS | Nil #

Operating system of the server,

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def password : Bool | Nil #

Indicates whether the server requires a password,

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def players : UInt8 | Nil #

Number of players on the server.

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def protocol : UInt8 | Nil #

Protocol version used by the server.

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def secure : Bool | Nil #

Specifies whether the server uses VAC,

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def type : Source::ServerType | Nil #

Type of the server

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