class Quartz::EventSet
- Quartz::EventSet
- Reference
- Object
represents the pending event set and encompasses all future
events scheduled to occur.
Defined in:
- .new(time : TimePoint = : self
- .new(priority_queue : Symbol, current_time : TimePoint =
Instance Method Summary
#advance(by duration : Duration) : TimePoint
Advance the current time up to the specified planned duration using a multiscale time advancement.
#advance(until t : TimePoint) : TimePoint
Advance the current time until it reaches the given time point.
#advance : TimePoint
Advance the current time up to the next planned event.
#cancel_event(event : Schedulable) : Schedulable | Nil
Cancel the specified event.
. -
#current_time : TimePoint
Returns the current time associated with the event set.
#current_time=(current_time : TimePoint)
Returns the current time associated with the event set.
#duration_of(event : Schedulable) : Duration
Returns the planned duration after which the specified event will occur.
Deletes and yields each imminent simultaneous event.
#empty? : Bool
Whether the event set is empty.
#imminent_duration : Duration
Returns the planned
associated with the future imminent events to occur, orDuration::INFINIY
is empty. - #inspect(io)
#plan_event(event : Schedulable, duration : Duration)
Schedules a future event at a given planned duration.
#pop_imminent_event : Schedulable
Deletes and returns the next imminent event to occur.
#pop_imminent_events : Array(Schedulable)
Deletes and returns all imminent simultaneous events.
- #priority_queue : PriorityQueue(Schedulable)
Returns the number of scheduled events.
Instance methods inherited from class Reference
==(other : Quartz::Any)
Instance methods inherited from class Object
===(other : Quartz::Any)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Advance the current time up to the specified planned duration using a multiscale time advancement.
Raises if the current time advances beyond the imminent events.
Advance the current time until it reaches the given time point.
Cancel the specified event.
Returns the current time associated with the event set.
Returns the current time associated with the event set.
Returns the planned duration after which the specified event will occur.
Returns the planned Duration
associated with the future imminent events
to occur, or Duration::INFINIY
if self
is empty.
Schedules a future event at a given planned duration.
Deletes and returns all imminent simultaneous events.