class Ptero::Application
- Ptero::Application
- Reference
- Object
A class for interacting with the application API.
Defined in:
application.crConstant Summary
{"User-Agent" => " Application v#{VERSION}", "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json"}
Instance Method Summary
#create_node(*, name : String, description : String | Nil = nil, location_id : Int32, public : Bool, fqdn : String, scheme : String, behind_proxy : Bool, memory : Int32, memory_overallocate : Int32, disk : Int32, disk_overallocate : Int32, daemon_base : String, daemon_sftp : Int32, daemon_listen : Int32, maintenance_mode : Bool, upload_size : Int32) : Models::Node
Creates a node on the panel with the given fields.
#create_server(*, name : String, description : String | Nil = nil, external_id : String | Nil = nil, user : Int32, egg : Int32, docker_image : String, startup : String, environment : Hash(String, String | Int32 | Bool | Nil), skip_scripts : Bool, oom_disabled : Bool, limits : Models::Limits, feature_limits : Models::FeatureLimits, allocation : Models::AllocationData, start_on_completion : Bool) : Models::AppServer
Creates a server on the panel with the given fields, using the allocation object to select the node and additional allocations if specified.
#create_server(*, name : String, description : String | Nil = nil, external_id : String | Nil = nil, user : Int32, egg : Int32, docker_image : String, startup : String, environment : Hash(String, String | Int32 | Bool | Nil), skip_scripts : Bool, oom_disabled : Bool, limits : Models::Limits, feature_limits : Models::FeatureLimits, deploy : Models::DeployData, start_on_completion : Bool) : Models::AppServer
Creates a user on the panel with the given fields, using the deploy object to find node suitable to deploy the server onto.
#create_user(*, username : String, email : String, first_name : String, last_name : String, root_admin : Bool, language : String | Nil = nil, external_id : String | Nil = nil, password : String | Nil = nil) : Models::User
Creates a user on the panel with the given fields.
#delete_node(id : Int32) : Nil
Deletes a node by its ID.
#delete_server(id : Int32, *, with_force : Bool = false) : Nil
Deletes a server by its ID.
#delete_user(id : Int32) : Nil
Deletes a user by its ID.
#get_all_nodes(*, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::Node)
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the nodes in the panel.
#get_all_servers(*, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::AppServer)
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the servers in the panel.
#get_all_users(*, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::User)
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the users in the panel.
#get_node(id : Int32, *, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Models::Node
Gets a specific node by its ID.
#get_node_configuration(id : Int32) : Models::NodeConfiguration
Gets the configuration structure for a specific node.
#get_nodes(*, page : Int32 | Nil = nil, per_page : Int32 | Nil = nil, filter : Tuple(String, String) | Nil = nil, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil, sort : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::Node)
Gets a list of nodes from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
#get_server(id : String) : Models::AppServer
Gets a specific server by its external identifier.
#get_server(id : Int32, *, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Models::AppServer
Gets a specific server by its ID.
#get_servers(*, page : Int32 | Nil = nil, per_page : Int32 | Nil = nil, filter : Tuple(String, String) | Nil = nil, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil, sort : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::AppServer)
Gets a list of servers from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
#get_user(id : String) : Models::User
Gets a specific user by its external identifier.
#get_user(id : Int32, *, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Models::User
Gets a specific user by its ID.
#get_users(*, page : Int32 | Nil = nil, per_page : Int32 | Nil = nil, filter : Tuple(String, String) | Nil = nil, include includes : Array(String) | Nil = nil, sort : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Models::User)
Gets a list of users from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
- #key : String
#reinstall_server(id : Int32) : Nil
Triggers the reinstall process for a specified server.
#resolve_error(ex : Crest::RequestFailed) : NoReturn
Resolves a library-specific error from a failed HTTP request (error response).
#resolve_query(page : Int32 | Nil, per_page : Int32 | Nil, filter : Tuple(String, String) | Nil, includes : Array(String) | Nil, sort : String | Nil) : String
Resolves a query string from the given parameters.
- #rest : Crest::Resource
#suspend_server(id : Int32) : Nil
Suspends a specified server.
#unsuspend_server(id : Int32) : Nil
Unsuspends a specified server.
#update_node(id : Int32, *, name : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil, location_id : Int32 | Nil = nil, public : Int32 | Nil = nil, fqdn : String | Nil = nil, scheme : String | Nil = nil, behind_proxy : Bool | Nil = nil, memory : Int32 | Nil = nil, memory_overallocate : Int32 | Nil = nil, disk : Int32 | Nil = nil, disk_overallocate : Int32 | Nil = nil, daemon_base : String | Nil = nil, daemon_sftp : Int32 | Nil = nil, daemon_listen : Int32 | Nil = nil, maintenance_mode : Bool | Nil = nil, upload_size : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Models::Node
Updates a node specified by its ID with the given fields (same as the fields for
). -
#update_server_build(id : Int32, *, allocation_id : Int32 | Nil = nil, oom_disabled : Bool | Nil = nil, limits : Limits | Nil = nil, feature_limits : FeatureLimits | Nil = nil, add_allocations : Set(Int32) = Set(Int32).new, remove_allocations : Set(Int32) = Set(Int32).new) : Models::AppServer
Updates the build configuration for a specified server.
#update_server_details(id : Int32, *, external_id : String | Nil = nil, name : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil, user : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Models::AppServer
Updates a specified server's details.
#update_server_startup(id : Int32, *, startup : String | Nil = nil, environment : Hash(String, String | Int32 | Bool | Nil) | Nil = nil, egg : Int32 | Nil = nil, image : String | Nil = nil) : Models::AppServer
Updates a specified servers' startup configuration.
#update_user(id : Int32, *, username : String | Nil = nil, email : String | Nil = nil, first_name : String | Nil = nil, last_name : String | Nil = nil, root_admin : Bool | Nil = nil, language : String | Nil = nil, external_id : String | Nil = nil, password : String | Nil = nil) : Models::User
Updates a user specified by its ID with the given fields (same as the fields for
). - #url : String
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Creates a node on the panel with the given fields.
- name: the name of the node
- description (optional): the description of the node
- location_id: the ID of the location to create the node under
- public: whether the node should be publicly accessible
- fqdn: the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the node
- scheme: the HTTP scheme for the node to use
- behind_proxy: whether the node is (or should be) behind a proxy
- memory: the memory limit for the node
- memory_overallocate: the amount of memory the node can overallocate
- disK: the disk limit for the node
- disk_overallocate: the amount of disk the node can overallocate
- daemon_base: the daemon base for the node
- daemon_sftp: the SFTP port for the node
- daemon_listen: the listen port for the node
- maintenance_mode: whether the node should be set to maintenance mode on creation
- upload_size: the upload size limit for the node
Creates a server on the panel with the given fields, using the allocation object to select the node and additional allocations if specified.
- name: the name of the server
- description (optional): the description of the server
- external_id (optional): an external identifier for the server
- user: the ID of the user the server will belong to
- egg: the ID of the egg to use for the server
- docker_image: the docker image to use for the server
- startup: the startup command for the server
- oom_disabled: whether the OOM killer should be disabled for the server
- limits: an object containing the server limits
- feature_limits: an object containing the server feature limits
- allocation: an object containing allocation data including where the server will be created
- start_on_completion: whether the server should start once installed
server = app.create_server(
name: "crystal bot",
user: 5,
egg: 30,
docker_image: "",
startup: %(crystal run {{CRYSTAL_FILE}}}),
environment: {"USER_UPLOAD" => false, "AUTO_UPDATE" => false, "CRYSTAL_FILE" => "src/"},
limits: 1024, disk: 1024, swap: 0, cpu: 100, io: 500),
feature_limits:, 0, 0),
start_on_completion: false,
) # => Ptero::Models::AppServer(@id=7, @external_id=nil, @uuid="...", ...)
Creates a user on the panel with the given fields, using the deploy object to find node suitable to deploy the server onto.
- name: the name of the server
- description (optional): the description of the server
- external_id (optional): an external identifier for the server
- user: the ID of the user the server will belong to
- egg: the ID of the egg to use for the server
- docker_image: the docker image to use for the server
- startup: the startup command for the server
- oom_disabled: whether the OOM killer should be disabled for the server
- limits: an object containing the server limits
- feature_limits: an object containing the server feature limits
- deploy: an object containing deployment data including location and port information
- start_on_completion: whether the server should start once installed
server = app.create_server(
name: "crystal bot",
user: 5,
egg: 30,
docker_image: "",
startup: %(crystal run {{CRYSTAL_FILE}}}),
environment: {"USER_UPLOAD" => false, "AUTO_UPDATE" => false, "CRYSTAL_FILE" => "src/"},
limits: 1024, disk: 1024, swap: 0, cpu: 100, io: 500),
feature_limits:, 0, 0),
deploy:[2, 3], ["5000-5030"], false),
start_on_completion: false,
) # => Ptero::Models::AppServer(@id=7, @external_id=nil, @uuid="...", ...)
Creates a user on the panel with the given fields.
- username: the username for the user
- email: the email for the user
- first_name: the first name of the user
- last_name: the last name of the user
- root_admin: whether the user should have administrative privileges
- language (optional): the language or locale for the user
- external_id (optional): an external identifier for the user
- password (optional): the password for the user
user = app.create_user(
username: "example",
email: "[email protected]",
first_name: "example",
last_name: "user",
root_admin: false
pp user # => Ptero::Models::User(
# @created_at=2022-01-01 16:04:03.0 +00:00,
# @email="[email protected]",
# @external_id=nil,
# @first_name="example",
# @id=7,
# @language="en",
# @last_name="user",
# @root_admin=false,
# @two_factor=false,
# @updated_at=2022-01-01 16:04:03.0 +00:00,
# @username="example",
# @uuid="530d7e97-5a35-40b4-a0a8-68ea487bd384")
Deletes a node by its ID. Note that this will not work if there are servers on the node.
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the nodes in the panel.
- include: additional resources to include in the response
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the servers in the panel.
- include: additional resources to include in the response
Iterates over all pages from the API and returns an array of all the users in the panel.
- include: additional resources to include in the response
Gets the configuration structure for a specific node.
Gets a list of nodes from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
- page: the page number to fetch from (default is 1)
- per_page: the number of node objects to return (default is 50).
- filter: an argument tuple to filter nodes from, the first being the field and the second being the value to query
- include: additional resources to include in the response
- sort: an argument to sort nodes in the response by
Gets a specific server by its external identifier.
Gets a specific server by its ID.
- include: additional resources to include in the response
Gets a list of servers from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
- page: the page number to fetch from (default is 1)
- per_page: the number of user objects to return (default is 50).
- filter: an argument tuple to filter servers from, the first being the field and the second being the value to query
- include: additional resources to include in the response
- sort: an argument to sort servers in the response by
Gets a list of users from the panel with the specified query parameters (if set).
- page: the page number to fetch from (default is 1)
- per_page: the number of user objects to return (default is 50).
- filter: an argument tuple to filter users from, the first being the field and the second being the value to query
- include: additional resources to include in the response
- sort: an argument to sort users in the response by
Resolves a library-specific error from a failed HTTP request (error response).
Resolves a query string from the given parameters. This function applies its own validation rules for certain arguments silently instead of raising an exception.
app.resolve_query(per_page: 20, include: ["foo", "bar"]) # => "per_page=20&include=foo,bar"
app.resolve_query(page: 0, per_page: 150) # => "page=1&per_page=100"
Updates a node specified by its ID with the given fields (same as the fields for
). Any fields that aren't specified will be filled with the existing value
from the panel.
Updates the build configuration for a specified server. Fields that are not specified will fallback to their current values if set.
- allocation_id (optional): the ID of the primary allocation the server should use
- oom_disabled (optional): whether the OOM killer should be disabled
- limits (optional): the limits of the server
- feature_limits (optional): the feature limits of the server
- add_allocations (optional): a set of allocations to add to the server
- remove_allocations (optional): a set of allocations to remove from the server
Updates a specified server's details. Fields that are not specified will fallback to their current values if set.
- external_id (optional): the external identifier for the server, set to an empty string to remove it
- name (optional): the name of the server
- description (optional): a description of the server, set to an empty string to remove it
- user (optional): the ID of the server owner
Updates a specified servers' startup configuration. For environment variables, unset fields will be replaced with the default values from the panel if set.
- startup (optional): the startup command for the server
- environment (optional): a hash of environment variables to set for the server
- egg (optional): the ID of the egg to use for the server
- image (optional): the docker image to use for the server
Updates a user specified by its ID with the given fields (same as the fields for
). Any fields that aren't specified will be filled with the existing value
from the panel.