class PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Answer

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CALLBACKS = {before_save: [] of Nil, after_save: [] of Nil, before_create: [do self.created_at = self.updated_at = Time.utc end] of Nil, after_create: [] of Nil, before_update: [do self.updated_at = Time.utc end] of Nil, after_update: [] of Nil, before_destroy: [] of Nil, after_destroy: [] of Nil}
Log = ::Log.for(self)


Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Model::Associations

format_list_for_postgres(list : Enumerable(String)) : String format_list_for_postgres, reset_associations reset_associations

Class methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Model::Associations

format_list_for_postgres(list : Enumerable(String)) : String format_list_for_postgres

Macros inherited from module PlaceOS::Model::Associations

belongs_to(parent_class, dependent = :none, association_name = nil, foreign_key = nil, presence = false, pk_type = nil, serialize = true) belongs_to, has_many(child_class, collection_name = nil, dependent = :none, foreign_key = nil, serialize = false) has_many, has_one(child_class, dependent = :none, association_name = nil, presence = false) has_one

Instance methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

after_create after_create, after_destroy after_destroy, after_save after_save, after_update after_update, apply_defaults apply_defaults, assign_attributes(params : HTTP::Params | Hash(String, String) | Tuple(String, String))
assign_attributes(model : PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey)
, attributes attributes, attributes_tuple attributes_tuple, before_create before_create, before_destroy before_destroy, before_save before_save, before_update before_update, invoke_props invoke_props, persistent_attributes persistent_attributes, run_create_callbacks(&) run_create_callbacks, run_destroy_callbacks(&) run_destroy_callbacks, run_save_callbacks(&) run_save_callbacks, run_update_callbacks(&) run_update_callbacks

Constructor methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)
new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
new(rs : DB::ResultSet)

Class methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

attributes : Array(Symbol) attributes, auto_generate_id : Bool auto_generate_id, from_rs(rs : DB::ResultSet) from_rs, primary_key : Symbol primary_key

Constructor Detail

def self.from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) : self #

def self.from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, root : String, trusted : Bool = false) : self #

Deserializes the given JSON in string_or_io into an instance of self, assuming the JSON consists of an JSON object with key root, and whose value is the value to deserialize. Will not deserialise from fields with mass_assign: false

class User < ActiveModel::Model
  attribute name : String
  attribute google_id : UUID, mass_assign: false

User.from_json(%({"main": {"name": "Jason", "google_id": "f6f70bfb-c882-446d-8758-7ce47db39620"}}), root: "main") # => #<User:0x103131b20 @name="Jason">

def self.from_trusted_json(string_or_io : String | IO, root : String) : self #

def self.from_trusted_json(string_or_io : String | IO) : self #

Serialize from a trusted JSON source

def self.from_trusted_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) : self #

Serialize from a trusted YAML source

def self.from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) : self #

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

[View source]
def : DB::ResultSet) #

def : String | ActiveModel::Model::None =, answer_json : JSON::Any | ActiveModel::Model::None =, question_id : Int64 | Nil | ActiveModel::Model::None =, survey_id : Int64 | Nil | ActiveModel::Model::None =, id : Int64 | Nil | ActiveModel::Model::None =, created_at : Time | ActiveModel::Model::None =, updated_at : Time | ActiveModel::Model::None = #

def : HTTP::Params | Hash(String, String) | Tuple(String, String)) #

Initialize PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Answer from HTTP::Params.

Class Method Detail

def self.attributes : Array(Symbol) #

Returns all attribute keys.

def self.auto_generate_id : Bool #

def self.by_question_id(id) #

Look up instances of this model dependent on the foreign key

[View source]
def self.by_survey_id(id) #

Look up instances of this model dependent on the foreign key

[View source]
def self.changes(id : PrimaryKeyType = nil) : ChangeFeed #

Changefeed at row (if #id passed) or whole table level. Returns a ChangeFeed instance which can be used to invoke async callbacks via on or use blocking Iterator via each method.

def self.elastic #

def self.from_rs(__temp_987 : DB::ResultSet) #

def self.list(survey_id : Int64 | Nil = nil, created_after : Int64 | Nil = nil, created_before : Int64 | Nil = nil) #

[View source]
def self.on_error(err : Exception | IO::Error) #

def self.primary_key : Symbol #

def self.table_name #

Macro Detail

macro scope(name, &block) #

Instance Method Detail

def __survey : Survey | Nil #

def __survey=(__survey : Survey | Nil) #

def __survey_question : Survey::Question | Nil #

def __survey_question=(__survey_question : Survey::Question | Nil) #

def after_create #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def after_destroy #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def after_initialize(trusted : Bool) #

def after_save #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def after_update #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def answer_json : JSON::Any #

#answer_json getter

def answer_json=(value : JSON::Any) #

#answer_json setter

def answer_json? : JSON::Any | Nil #

def answer_json_assigned? : Bool #

def answer_json_change : Tuple(JSON::Any | Nil, JSON::Any | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def answer_json_changed? : Bool #

def answer_json_default : JSON::Any #

#answer_json's default value

[View source]
def answer_json_present? : Bool #

def answer_json_was : JSON::Any | Nil #

def answer_json_will_change! : Nil #

Include #answer_json in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def apply_defaults #

Generate code to apply default values

def assign_attributes(type : String | Missing = Missing, answer_json : JSON::Any | Missing = Missing, question_id : Int64 | Nil | Missing = Missing, survey_id : Int64 | Nil | Missing = Missing, id : Int64 | Nil | Missing = Missing, created_at : Time | Missing = Missing, updated_at : Time | Missing = Missing) #

Assign to multiple attributes.

def assign_attributes(params : HTTP::Params | Hash(String, String) | Tuple(String, String)) #

Assign to mulitple attributes via HTTP::Params.

def assign_attributes(model : PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Answer) #

Assign to multiple attributes from a model object

def assign_attributes_from_json(json, root : String) #

def assign_attributes_from_json(json) #

def assign_attributes_from_trusted_json(json, root : String) #

def assign_attributes_from_trusted_json(json) #

Assign each field from JSON if field exists in JSON and has changed in model

def assign_attributes_from_trusted_yaml(yaml) #

def assign_attributes_from_yaml(yaml) #

Uses the YAML parser as JSON is valid YAML

def attributes #

Returns a Hash of all attribute values

def attributes_tuple #

Returns a NamedTuple of all attribute values.

def before_create #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def before_destroy #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def before_save #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def before_update #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def changed? #

Check if any attributes have changed.

def changed_attributes #

Returns a Hash with all changed attributes.

def changed_json(io : IO) : Nil #

Serialize the set of changed attributes to JSON.

def changed_json : String #

Serialize the set of changed attributes to JSON.

def changed_persist_attributes #

def changed_yaml(io : IO) : Nil #

Serialize the set of changed attributes to YAML.

def changed_yaml : String #

Serialize the set of changed attributes to YAML.

def clear_changes_information #

Reset changes for all attributes.

def created_at : Time #

#created_at getter

def created_at=(value : Time) #

#created_at setter

def created_at? : Time | Nil #

def created_at_assigned? : Bool #

def created_at_change : Tuple(Time | Nil, Time | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def created_at_changed? : Bool #

def created_at_default : Time #

#created_at's default value

def created_at_present? : Bool #

def created_at_was : Time | Nil #

def created_at_will_change! : Nil #

Include #created_at in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def id : Int64 | Nil #

#id getter

def id=(value : Int64 | Nil) #

#id setter

def id? : Int64 | Nil | Nil #
Description copied from class PgORM::Base

Same as #id but may return nil when the record hasn't been saved instead of raising.

def id_assigned? : Bool #

def id_change : Tuple(Int64 | Nil | Nil, Int64 | Nil | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def id_changed? : Bool #

def id_default : Int64 | Nil #

#id's default value

def id_present? : Bool #

def id_was : Int64 | Nil | Nil #

def id_will_change! : Nil #

Include #id in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def invoke_props #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

def persistent_attributes #

Returns a Hash of all attributes that can be persisted.

def question_id : Int64 | Nil #

#question_id getter

def question_id=(value : Int64 | Nil) #

#question_id setter

def question_id_assigned? : Bool #

def question_id_change : Tuple(Int64 | Nil | Nil, Int64 | Nil | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def question_id_changed? : Bool #

def question_id_default : Int64 | Nil #

#question_id's default value

def question_id_present? : Bool #

def question_id_was : Int64 | Nil | Nil #

def question_id_will_change! : Nil #

Include #question_id in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def reset_associations #

[View source]
def restore_attributes #

Reset each attribute to their previous values and clears all changes.

def run_create_callbacks(&) #

Wrap a block with callbacks for the appropriate crud operation

[View source]
def run_destroy_callbacks(&) #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def run_save_callbacks(&) #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def run_update_callbacks(&) #
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Model::ModelWithAutoKey

Base class for all models which have auto-generated bigint as pk and doesn't require string based auto generated pk

[View source]
def survey : Survey | Nil #

Retrieves the parent relationship

[View source]
def survey! : Survey #

[View source]
def survey=(parent : Survey) #

Sets the parent relationship

[View source]
def survey_id : Int64 | Nil #

#survey_id getter

def survey_id=(value : Int64 | Nil) #

#survey_id setter

def survey_id_assigned? : Bool #

def survey_id_change : Tuple(Int64 | Nil | Nil, Int64 | Nil | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def survey_id_changed? : Bool #

def survey_id_default : Int64 | Nil #

#survey_id's default value

def survey_id_present? : Bool #

def survey_id_was : Int64 | Nil | Nil #

def survey_id_will_change! : Nil #

Include #survey_id in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def survey_question : Survey::Question | Nil #

Retrieves the parent relationship

[View source]
def survey_question! : Survey::Question #

[View source]
def survey_question=(parent : Survey::Question) #

Sets the parent relationship

[View source]
def table_name #

def type : String #

#type getter

def type=(value : String) #

Setters #type setter

def type? : String | Nil #

def type_assigned? : Bool #

def type_change : Tuple(String | Nil, String | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def type_changed? : Bool #

def type_default : String #

#type's default value

[View source]
def type_present? : Bool #

def type_was : String | Nil #

def type_will_change! : Nil #

Include #type in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def updated_at : Time #

#updated_at getter

def updated_at=(value : Time) #

#updated_at setter

def updated_at? : Time | Nil #

def updated_at_assigned? : Bool #

def updated_at_change : Tuple(Time | Nil, Time | Nil) | Nil #

Returns a Tuple of the previous and the current value of an instance variable if it has changed

def updated_at_changed? : Bool #

def updated_at_default : Time #

#updated_at's default value

def updated_at_present? : Bool #

def updated_at_was : Time | Nil #

def updated_at_will_change! : Nil #

Include #updated_at in the set of changed attributes, whether it has changed or not.

def validate_nilability #

Validate that all non-nillable fields have values.