class PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Lockers::PlaceLocker


inherit this to extend with additional locker information

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def allocated=(allocated : Bool | Nil) #

is the current locker allocated

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def allocated? : Bool | Nil #

is the current locker allocated

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def allocation_id : String | Int64 | Nil #

an indicator that can be synced with PlaceOS bookings could be the locker system user id or a booking id

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def allocation_id=(allocation_id : String | Int64 | Nil) #

an indicator that can be synced with PlaceOS bookings could be the locker system user id or a booking id

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def bank_id : String | Int64 #

the locker system ids

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def bank_id=(bank_id : String | Int64) #

the locker system ids

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def building : String | Nil #

metadata for locating the locker (if known) - placeos zone ids

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def building=(building : String | Nil) #

metadata for locating the locker (if known) - placeos zone ids

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def expires_at : Time | Nil #

when the locker is released if known / enabled in the locker system

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def expires_at=(expires_at : Time | Nil) #

when the locker is released if known / enabled in the locker system

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def level : String | Nil #

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def level=(level : String | Nil) #

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def location : String #

identifier for location services

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def locker_id : String | Int64 #

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def locker_id=(locker_id : String | Int64) #

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def locker_name : String #

the text on the outside of the locker

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def locker_name=(locker_name : String) #

the text on the outside of the locker

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def mac : String | Nil #

a single field that can be used to uniquely identify a locker should not clash with other systems and ideally be usable to identify the user who is allocated to the locker (via a lookup function)

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def mac=(mac : String | Nil) #

a single field that can be used to uniquely identify a locker should not clash with other systems and ideally be usable to identify the user who is allocated to the locker (via a lookup function)

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