module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::GuestBuildingAccess
Defined in:
placeos-driver/interface/guest_building_access.crInstance Method Summary
#grant_guest_access(name : String, email : String, starting : Int64, ending : Int64) : AccessDetails
a function for granting guests access to a building should return a payload that can be encoded into a QR code the response is expected to be hexstring
#guest_access_configured? : Bool
return true if we can grant guest access
#revoke_guest_access(details : JSON::Any)
revoke access to a building
Instance Method Detail
def grant_guest_access(name : String, email : String, starting : Int64, ending : Int64) : AccessDetails
a function for granting guests access to a building should return a payload that can be encoded into a QR code the response is expected to be hexstring