abstract class DriverSpecs::MockDriver

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Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def [](key) #

returns the current value of a status value and raises if it does not exist

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def []=(key, value) #

Expose a status key to other mock drivers and the driver we're testing

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def []?(key) #

returns the current value of a status value and nil if it does not exist

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def logger #

proxies Log so you can use the logger in the same way as drivers

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def signal_status(key) #

pushes a change notification for the key specified, even though it hasn't changed

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def system(module_id : String | Symbol) : DriverSpecs::StatusHelper #

Grab the status storage for a mock module

i.e. #system("Module_2")

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Macro Detail

macro status(klass, key) #

reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.

It raises if the class does not exist.

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macro status?(klass, key) #

reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.

It returns nil if the key doesn't exist

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