module Toka

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.1.2"

Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Class Method Detail

def self._convert_value(raw, converter, name, error_args) #

Internal helper. Do not use.

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def self._fetch_value(name, option, value, strings, index) #

Internal helper. Do not use.

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Macro Detail

macro _convert_and_verify(raw, verifier, converter, name, strings, index, option) #

Internal helper. Do not use.

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macro _maybe_fetch_value(name, type, bool_default) #

Internal helper. Do not use.

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macro _read_value(target, name, config, bool_default) #

Internal helper. Do not use.

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macro mapping(options, info = {banner: nil, footer: nil, help: true, colors: true}) #

Creates an option parser. Options are defined in mapping pattern fashion, much like JSON.mapping.

The macro takes two arguments, where both are NamedTuples. The first one options are the options you want to recognize. The second one info contains additional configuration, mostly required to auto-generate a nice --help page.

Explanation of argument passing

This just covers the common UNIX-style option-passing. You can skip this if you're familiar with it - Toka implements it!

Note: Windows-style passing, using a leading slash (e.g. /f) instead of dashes, are not supported.

First, options are split word-wise (According to the program calling another program, usually your shell). A "word" may actually consist out of multiple readable words separated by a space (" "), so don't get confused.

Second, there are two kinds of options: Switches, and positional options. The first kind are those which are "named", and are accessed directly by one of their names. Positional options are not: All options which do not look like an option ("bare words") are positional options.

Example: wc -l foo This invokes the wc utility, passing the -l switch, and the foo positional option.

Long- and short-options

Many options have a long-name, and a short-name. (They may have further aliases). Long-names are longer than their short-name counterparts. They are distinguished by the leading count of dashes: Two ("--") for a long-name, and one ("-") for a short-name.

Long-names for an option are usually whole words, but can span multiple words. It is common to separate words using a single dash: --street-number. It is not possible to define multiple long-names at once. Sometimes long-names are case-sensitive, other times they're not. Toka implements long-names case-sensitively.

Short-names are commonly one character only. You can combine multiple short-name switches into a single word: -abc will flip the switches for a, b and c. This is equivalent to doing the following: -a -b -c.

Value passing

In many cases it's desirable to pass specific values to a switch for further configuration.

For long-names, the value can either follow in the same word by separating the value from the long-name using an equal-sign ("="): --foo=bar would pass the value "bar" to the "foo" switch. If no equal-sign is found while requiring a value, the following word is used: --foo bar is equivalent.

For short-names, the value immediately follows the short option: -fBar would pass "Bar" to the "f" switch. This is a common source of confusion and mistakes: Say we have the switch "a" not taking a value, and "b" taking one. Now, you want to invoke both, and pass a value to "b". So you write -ba foo - And suddenly, you passed "a" to the "b" switch as value, and "foo" is treated as positional option. Correct is this: -ab foo - This activates the "a" switch, and passes "foo" to the "b" switch. You can also combine non-value-taking with value-taking short-names into the same word: -abfoo will activate "a", abd pass "foo" to "b".

Cancelling option parsing

Sometimes it may be useful to tell the option parser that some options are to be treated as positional options. There are two solutions to this:

  1. Escape it by prepending a back-slash: \--foo
  2. Ignore everything following by stand-alone double-dash: --foo -- --bar will activate the "foo" switch, but pass "--bar" as positional option.

Simple usage

If you just want to parse some arguments quickly, right now, without messing around much, and without reading any longer and longer sentences in the documentation of Toka while thinking someone is messing with you right now, here's an example:

class MyOptions # Create a container class
  Toka.mapping({ # Don't forget the opening braces!
    name: String, # Mandatory option
    last_name: String?, # Optional option
    verbose: Bool, # Mandatory option

# Now, create an instance:
opts = # It will use `ARGV` by default!

# And access the fields.  Bool-type fields have an question-mark getter too!
puts "Hello, #{} #{opts.last_name}" if opts.verbose?

With this, the user can pass something like --name Alice --no-verbose, or just --help (or -h) to print a help page.

Hint You can find usage-examples in samples/ !

Note: The default help page renderer will exit() the process after printing its output!

For more, see the next section.

Advanced usage

Toka can do much more than that. To adjust further settings, you can pass a NamedTuple as value too!

The settings tuple supports the following options:

  • type The type. Examples: String, Int32?, Array(String)
  • nilable If the type is optional ("nil-able"). You can also make the type nilable for the same effect.
  • default The default value.
  • long Allows to manually configure long-options. Auto-generated from the name otherwise.
  • short Allows to manually configure short-options. Auto-generated otherwise. Set to false to disable.
  • converter Converter to use for the value. See below.
  • value_converter Alias for converter.
  • key_converter Converter for the key to use for a Hash type.
  • verifier Verifier for the value. See below.
  • value_verifier Alias for verifier.
  • key_verifier Verifier for the key of a Hash type.
  • description The human-readable description. Can be multi-line.
  • value_name Human-readable value name, shown next to the option name like: --foo=HERE
  • category Human-readable category name, for grouping in the help page. Optional.

Note: The long and short fields can take a single string, or an array of strings. Do not prepend dashes yourself, Toka will do that!

The info argument allows the following options:

  • banner The banner string. Displayed as first line(s) in the help page.
  • footer The footer string. Displayed as last line(s) in the help page.
  • help If to auto-generate the --help/-h option. Defaults to true.
  • colors If the help page shall be colorized. Defaults to true.

With this, a more fully-featured example, based on the one above:

class MyOptions
  Toka.mapping({ # Still don't forget the opening braces!
    name: {
      type: String, # Still a String
      default: "World", # But greet the World if none was given
      description: "Whom to greet", # For the help page
      value_name: "NAME", # Same ^
    last_name: {
      type: String?,
      # nilable: true, # Alternatively, write `type: String` and this
    verbose: {
      type: Bool?, # Trick to detect explicit activation and deactivation

# Now, create an instance:
opts = # It will use `ARGV` by default!

# And access the fields.  Bool-type fields have an question-mark getter too!
puts "Hello, #{} #{opts.last_name}" if opts.verbose?

Positional options

All positional options are collected into a the #positional_options array.

This includes bare words, argument-looking words with a leading back-slash, and everything after a stand-alone double-dash "argument":

The line --one \--two three -- --four -five six would activate the "one" switch, and collect the positional options like this: [ "--two", "three", "--four", "-five", "six" ].


A converter is a module or class, responding to .read(raw_value : String) : T?. On success, this method returns an instance of T, otherwise, it can either return nil to prompt a default error message, or raise a more descriptive one itself.

module IpV4Converter # Sample only!  Please do more error checking in your converters!
  def : String) : Int32? # You can also just write `Int32`
    input.split(".", 4).map(&.to_u32).reduce(0u32){|x, a| (a << 8) | x}

class MyOptions
    addr: { # Reacts to `--addr`
      type: UInt32, # The result will be a UInt32
      converter: IpV4Converter # And we want to use this converter

Input verification

It is possible to verify input data before it's being used. To do this, pass a Proc through the verifier (or value_verifier) field setting. For the key of a Hash type, key_verifier is what you're looking for.

This Proc gets passed the already converted value, and is then expected to return either a false or a String to signal an error, or anything else to signal success.

If the verifier responds with a false, the user will receive a generic Toka::VerificationError. If the response is a String, it will be appeneded to its message for further context.

class MyOptions
    name: {
      type: String, #  vvvvvv Type is required for Crystal!
      verifier: ->(x : String){ x == "Bob" } # Only accepts "Bob" as input
    age: {
      type: Int32, # Simple age restriction with additional message:
      verifier: ->(x : Int32){ x >= 18 || "Must be an adult" }

Note: The verifier can be anything that responds to #call(), behaving like a Proc. You could also have a module which responds to, and pass in that module.

Error handling

When an error is encountered while parsing the input, a sub-class of Toka::Error is raised. All error classes provide additional data to the error handler by carrying additional fields, next to the standard message.

Note: A converter or verifier raising a custom error are not handled by Toka. They're passed through. Albeit losing the additional information Toka errors provide, this is supported.

Sequential and associative options

By using Array(T) or Hash(K, V) as type, you allow the user to pass in multiple values for a single option. They're added in the order they're read: The left-most value will be the first one to be added, and so on.

For Array(T), the user has to repeat the option for each element to be added. If you have an option called many of type Array(String), the user passes --many one --many two --many three to generate [ "one", "two", "three" ].

For Hash(K, V), the user repeats the option for each key-value pair, separating the key from the value using an equal-sign ("=") like this: --many foo=bar --many one=two will generate { "foo" => "bar", "one" => "two" }.

You're not restricted to using String. You can use whichever type you want. The built-in ones will just work, for others, use a custom converter. Converters will be invoked with one value each, and thus work out of the box.

Note: These containers are not nil-able. Instead, you'll get an empty container. You can still pass a default one though!

Note: Nested containers are not supported.

class MyOptions
    name: Array(String), # Simple usage
    ints: Array(Int32), # Works too
    streets: {
      type: Array(String),
      default: [ "Foo st", "Bar st" ], # Will only be used if none are given.
    birthday: {
      type: Hash(String, Time), # Associative data
      key_converter: TitelizeName, # Converter for the key
      value_converter: TimeConverter, # Converter for the value
      # converter: TimeConverter, # Alias, equivalent to the one above

Note: The parser is restricted to Array and Hash. You can't use other generic types.

Boolean behaviour

Bool is somewhat special. Switches of this type don't require a value. If the user wants to explicitly set one, --switch=false has to be used. A following true or false will not be detected.

Further, a Bool switch automatically gets two versions: The active version, and the inactive one. The long-name for the inactive one is the active name with a "no-" prepended: --verbose gets turned into --no-verbose. For the short-name, the existing short-names are taken and, if no collisions are detected, inversed by uppercasing the character. This also works, if the short-name was auto-generated in the first place. In our example, the --verbose switch would be assigned -v as short switch, and it would be uppercased to negate: From -v to -V.

As already noted, the user has to follow a value immediately if one is passed. Only the long-name supports this, the short-name does not. So, this will work: --verbose=true, but this will not: -vtrue.

The following inputs will be turned into true: true, yes, t and y. For false: false, no, f, n. Other inputs will raise an error.

Bool in containers

It's possible to mix containers with Bool, like Array(Bool) or Hash(String, Bool). No automatic (de-)activation switch is generated for these cases, meaning the user has to explicitly set the value.

Sample for an array: -ayes -ayes -ano gives [ true, true, false ]. Hash sample: -afoo=yes -abar=no gives { "foo" => true, "bar" => false }.

Generation behaviour

The macro tries to do as much for you as possible, so here's what's possible:

  • The long-name is generated from the dasherized name: foo_bar: String will be turned into --foo-bar.
  • The short-names are generated from the long-name, prefering the first character of each word of each long-name, and using any following characters afterwards. Done until an unique one is found, or none at all.
  • Bool type options get both a getter with question-mark and one without: #verbose is the same as #verbose?
  • A --help page is generated. Upon activation through the user, the process is exited!

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